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PRAYING STATUE 16寸 坐黑脸红衣帽加须拿督公
RM 638.00
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PRAYING STATUE 16寸 坐黑脸红衣帽加须拿督公
✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石灰制成。拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality kalk. Datuk can recruit five ways and five sources of wealth, which can support the prosperity of the business and the safety of his home ✏️适用: 家庭与生意安放 ✏️Applicable: Home...
RM 638.00
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Home page 拿督公 金身 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石灰制成。拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality kalk. Datuk can recruit five ways and five sources of...
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RM 588.00
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✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石材制成。满满元宝的底座, 拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality stone. With a pedestal full of ingots, Dato’s can recruit five-way and five-party wealth, which can support the prosperity of business and live in safety ✏️适用: 家庭与生意安放 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 588.00
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Home page 拿督公 金身 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石材制成。满满元宝的底座, 拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality stone. With a pedestal full of ingots, Dato’s can...
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PRAYING STATUE 19寸 黄衣拿元宝/刀拿督公
RM 788.00
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PRAYING STATUE 19寸 黄衣拿元宝/刀拿督公
✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石灰制成。拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality stone. Datuk can recruit five ways and five sources of wealth, which can support the prosperity of the business and the safety of his home ✏️适用: 家庭与生意安放...
RM 788.00
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Home page 拿督公 金身 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 这尊美丽的祈祷雕像采用优质石灰制成。拿督公可招五路五方财, 正偏财, 可扶持生意兴隆, 住家平安 ✏️Features: This beautiful praying statue is crafted from high quality stone. Datuk can recruit five ways and five sources...
PRAYING CENSER 8寸土庄【单耳/双耳】甘文烟炉 (香炉)
RM 28.90
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PRAYING CENSER 8寸土庄【单耳/双耳】甘文烟炉 (香炉)
✏️特点: 耐热美观, 精美细腻✏️Features: Heat-resistant and beautiful, exquisite and delicate ✏️适用: 祭拜拿督公, 泰国神✏️Applicable: Worship Dato, the Thai god ✏️尺寸 Size: 单耳➯ 31cm*14cm 双耳➯ 33cm*15cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 单耳➯ 1个 & 1.49kg 双耳➯ 1个 & 1.56kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准,...
RM 28.90
Home page 金身/佛具 香炉
✏️特点: 耐热美观, 精美细腻✏️Features: Heat-resistant and beautiful, exquisite and delicate ✏️适用: 祭拜拿督公, 泰国神✏️Applicable: Worship Dato, the Thai god ✏️尺寸 Size: 单耳➯ 31cm*14cm 双耳➯ 33cm*15cm...
PRAYING CENSER【4寸/5寸/6寸/7寸】土庄甘文炉 (香炉)
RM 3.80
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PRAYING CENSER【4寸/5寸/6寸/7寸】土庄甘文炉 (香炉)
✏️特点: 耐热美观, 精美细腻✏️Features: Heat-resistant and beautiful, exquisite and delicate ✏️适用: 祭拜拿督公, 泰国神✏️Applicable: Worship Dato, the Thai god ✏️尺寸 Size: 4寸 ➯ 12cm*7.5cm 5寸 ➯ 15cm*8cm 6寸 ➯ 19cm*10cm 7寸 ➯ 21.5cm*13cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 4寸 ➯ 1个 & 0.19kg 5寸 ➯ 1个...
RM 3.80
Home page 佛具 Home Page Slide 金身/佛具 香炉
✏️特点: 耐热美观, 精美细腻✏️Features: Heat-resistant and beautiful, exquisite and delicate ✏️适用: 祭拜拿督公, 泰国神✏️Applicable: Worship Dato, the Thai god ✏️尺寸 Size: 4寸 ➯ 12cm*7.5cm 5寸 ➯...
PARYING LAMP【9号/11号】青色大理石灯LED灯泡
RM 218.00
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PARYING LAMP【9号/11号】青色大理石灯LED灯泡
✏️特点: 大理石打磨制成, 绝对省电与耐用✏️Features: Made of polished marble, absolutely energy-saving and durable ✏️适用: 拜大二爷伯, 阴神专用✏️Applicable: Worship the sophomore grandpa, dedicated to Yin God ✏️尺寸 Size: 9号 ➯ 19cm*21.5cm 11号 ➯ 19cm*28.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 9号 ➯ 1对 & 1.18kg 11号 ➯ 1对...
RM 218.00
Home page 其它 其它神料 神台灯
✏️特点: 大理石打磨制成, 绝对省电与耐用✏️Features: Made of polished marble, absolutely energy-saving and durable ✏️适用: 拜大二爷伯, 阴神专用✏️Applicable: Worship the sophomore grandpa, dedicated to Yin God...
HOLY GRAIL【2寸/2.5寸/3寸/3.5寸/4寸/5寸】圣杯(红)
RM 5.80
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HOLY GRAIL【2寸/2.5寸/3寸/3.5寸/4寸/5寸】圣杯(红)
✏️特点: 筊杯民间俗称【胜杯】是一种占卜工具, 是世俗之人所用以与神明指示的工具。多用竹、木等材质做成, 两个为一对, 呈立体的新月形状, 每一个称为一【支】, 并分有正反面, 凸起部分称为【阴面】也就是反面, 平面的部分则称为【阳面】也就是正面✏️Features: Shaanbei is commonly known as [Shengbei] as a divination tool, a tool used by secular people and gods to instruct. It is mostly made of bamboo, wood and other materials, two in...
RM 5.80
Home page 圣杯 圣杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 筊杯民间俗称【胜杯】是一种占卜工具, 是世俗之人所用以与神明指示的工具。多用竹、木等材质做成, 两个为一对, 呈立体的新月形状, 每一个称为一【支】, 并分有正反面, 凸起部分称为【阴面】也就是反面, 平面的部分则称为【阳面】也就是正面✏️Features: Shaanbei is commonly known as [Shengbei] as a divination tool, a tool used by...
OIL LAMP CUP 5118 圆厚水晶玻璃杯
RM 40.20
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OIL LAMP CUP 5118 圆厚水晶玻璃杯
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 12.5cm*11.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.54kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length &...
RM 40.20
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Home page 油杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 12.5cm*11.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个...
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OIL LAMP CUP 125-2 高脚水晶玻璃杯
RM 17.80
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OIL LAMP CUP 125-2 高脚水晶玻璃杯
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 12cm*12cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.44kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length &...
RM 17.80
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Home page 油杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 12cm*12cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个...
OIL LAMP CUP 3616 曲面水晶玻璃杯
RM 16.80
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OIL LAMP CUP 3616 曲面水晶玻璃杯
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 8.5cm*13.1cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.26kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length &...
RM 16.80
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Home page 油杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 8.5cm*13.1cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个...
OIL LAMP CUP B5212 酒杯水晶玻璃杯
RM 52.80
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OIL LAMP CUP B5212 酒杯水晶玻璃杯
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 9.8cm*15.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.61kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length &...
RM 52.80
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Home page 油杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 9.8cm*15.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个...
OIL LAMP CUP MP401 花纹水晶玻璃杯
RM 4.80
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OIL LAMP CUP MP401 花纹水晶玻璃杯
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 5cm*7cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.08kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length &...
RM 4.80
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Home page 油杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 耐高温, 耐热✏️Features: High temperature and heat resistance ✏️适用: 各个神明✏️Applicable: All the gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 5cm*7cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个...
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GOD TABLET 2395 旺来天宫牌
RM 27.80
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GOD TABLET 2395 旺来天宫牌
✏️特点: 光滑面板, 精美雕刻, 字体工整, 正规传统好意头对联✏️Features: Smooth panel, exquisite carvings, neat fonts, formal and traditional goodwill head couplets ✏️适用: 适用于家或生意✏️Applicable: Suitable for home or business ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 23cm*1.7cm*40.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 1.00kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+-...
RM 27.80
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Home page 神牌 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 光滑面板, 精美雕刻, 字体工整, 正规传统好意头对联✏️Features: Smooth panel, exquisite carvings, neat fonts, formal and traditional goodwill head couplets ✏️适用: 适用于家或生意✏️Applicable: Suitable for home or business...
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GOD TABLET 2382 旺来拿督公牌
RM 38.80
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GOD TABLET 2382 旺来拿督公牌
✏️特点: 木纹雕刻, 彩金字体, 传统工艺, 精心制作✏️Features: Wood grain carving, colorful gold fonts, traditional craftsmanship, carefully crafted ✏️适用: 适用于家或生意✏️Applicable: Suitable for home or business ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 30.5cm*1.5cm*46cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 1.52kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解...
RM 38.80
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Home page 神牌 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 木纹雕刻, 彩金字体, 传统工艺, 精心制作✏️Features: Wood grain carving, colorful gold fonts, traditional craftsmanship, carefully crafted ✏️适用: 适用于家或生意✏️Applicable: Suitable for home or business ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 30.5cm*1.5cm*46cm...
PRAYING STONE【13寸/15寸/18寸】旺来地主石(红)
RM 63.80
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PRAYING STONE【13寸/15寸/18寸】旺来地主石(红)
✏️特点: 精美雕刻, 字体工整, 砂金/烫金, 防水光面木, 不易褪色✏️Features: Exquisite carvings, neat fonts, placer gold/hot stamping, waterproof smooth wood, not easy to fade ✏️适用: 地主专用✏️Applicable: For Landlord only ✏️尺寸 Size: 13寸 ➯ 45.5cm*33cm*1.2cm 15寸 ➯ 48.3cm*38cm*1.2cm 18寸 ➯ 60.5cm*45.5cm*1.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 13寸 ➯ 1块...
RM 63.80
Home page 地主石 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 精美雕刻, 字体工整, 砂金/烫金, 防水光面木, 不易褪色✏️Features: Exquisite carvings, neat fonts, placer gold/hot stamping, waterproof smooth wood, not easy to fade ✏️适用: 地主专用✏️Applicable:...
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ACCESSORIES 28球 5支眼越南金花
RM 138.80
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ACCESSORIES 28球 5支眼越南金花
✏️特点: 金花和红布球有如神明的屋宅, 需每年更换✏️Features: Golden flowers and red cloth balls are like the houses of gods and need to be replaced every year ✏️适用: 地主公, 拿督公, 神明, 大神与天神等等✏️Applicable: Landlord, Datuk, Gods, Great Gods and Celestial Gods, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 22.5cm*53.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ...
RM 138.80
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Home page 其它 其它神料 金花/红布
✏️特点: 金花和红布球有如神明的屋宅, 需每年更换✏️Features: Golden flowers and red cloth balls are like the houses of gods and need to be replaced every year ✏️适用:...
RM 33.80
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✏️特点: 款式精美, 品质保证, 陶瓷制作✏️Features: Exquisite style, quality assurance, ceramic production ✏️适用: 拜神礼佛✏️Applicable: Worship the Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 17cm*13.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个壶 + 1个盖 & 0.36kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually...
RM 33.80
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Home page 胶杯 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 款式精美, 品质保证, 陶瓷制作✏️Features: Exquisite style, quality assurance, ceramic production ✏️适用: 拜神礼佛✏️Applicable: Worship the Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 17cm*13.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:...
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JOSS PAPER 35cm 金珠金元宝(对)
RM 68.00
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JOSS PAPER 35cm 金珠金元宝(对)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 精美工艺✏️Features: Handmade, exquisite craftsmanship ✏️适用: 拜大神, 拿督公, 地主✏️Applicable: Worship the Great God, Datuk Gong, Landlord ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯  ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1对 & 0.60kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length...
RM 68.00
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 手工制作, 精美工艺✏️Features: Handmade, exquisite craftsmanship ✏️适用: 拜大神, 拿督公, 地主✏️Applicable: Worship the Great God, Datuk Gong, Landlord ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯  ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量...
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JOSS PAPER 100cm 大旺梨(对)
RM 358.00
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JOSS PAPER 100cm 大旺梨(对)
✏️特点: 折纸黄梨, 手工细腻精美✏️Features: Origami pineapple, delicate and exquisite handwork ✏️适用: 拜大神, 拿督公, 地主✏️Applicable: Worship the Great God, Datuk Gong, Landlord ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯  ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1对 & 2.30kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually...
RM 358.00
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 折纸黄梨, 手工细腻精美✏️Features: Origami pineapple, delicate and exquisite handwork ✏️适用: 拜大神, 拿督公, 地主✏️Applicable: Worship the Great God, Datuk Gong, Landlord ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ ...
RM 79.50
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✏️特点: 浮雕描金莲花设计, 陶瓷材质, 方便, 简化, 精致漂亮 ✏️Features: Embossed design of golden lotus, ceramic material, convenient, simplified, exquisite and beautiful ✏️适用: 用于观音, 佛祖 ✏️Applicable: Suitable for Guanyin and Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: 大号 ➯ 12cm*17.5cm 中号 ➯ 10.5cm*17.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 大号 ➯ 1对 & 0.70kg 中号 ➯ 1对 &...
RM 79.50
Home page 烛台 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 浮雕描金莲花设计, 陶瓷材质, 方便, 简化, 精致漂亮 ✏️Features: Embossed design of golden lotus, ceramic material, convenient, simplified, exquisite and beautiful ✏️适用: 用于观音, 佛祖 ✏️Applicable: Suitable for...
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