
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 观音 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 祈福, 招财, 还愿 ✏️Features: Pray for blessing, fortune, return vow. ✏️适用: 可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the first and the fifteenth day. ✏️尺寸 Size & 金大小 Gold Size: ➯ 28.5cm*26.5cm & 21cm*18.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 祈福, 招财, 还愿 ✏️Features: Pray for blessing, fortune, return vow. ✏️适用: 可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 运财金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 可使求财者的财运更加旺盛、生意更加兴隆, 帮你排除障碍。求财, 求事业, 有求必应 ✏️Features: Can make wealth seekers more prosperous and business prosperous, help you remove obstacles. Seeking wealth, career, and responsiveness. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 可使求财者的财运更加旺盛、生意更加兴隆, 帮你排除障碍。求财, 求事业, 有求必应 ✏️Features: Can make wealth seekers more prosperous and business prosperous, help you remove obstacles. Seeking wealth, career, and responsiveness....
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 莲花金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 求神明慈悲作主, 帮你将莲花转自以所需的无形界, 达成妳消业障、祭改、渡赦因果、祈求前途光明 ✏️Features: Pray for God’s mercy to be the master, to help you transfer the lotus flower from the invisible world you need, so that you can eliminate karma, sacrifice, forgive cause and effect, and pray for a...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 求神明慈悲作主, 帮你将莲花转自以所需的无形界, 达成妳消业障、祭改、渡赦因果、祈求前途光明 ✏️Features: Pray for God’s mercy to be the master, to help you transfer the lotus flower from the invisible...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 哪督金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 神料精品 ✏️Features: Wonderful products. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the first and the fifteenth day. ✏️尺寸 Size & 金大小 Gold Size: ➯ 28.5cm*26.5cm...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 神料精品 ✏️Features: Wonderful products. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 招财贵人 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 贵人扶助, 把接引贵人符和金纸一起焚烧, 就能把贵人接引到家中 ✏️Features: With the help of the nobles, burn them together with the golden paper to bring the nobles to their homes. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人扶助, 把接引贵人符和金纸一起焚烧, 就能把贵人接引到家中 ✏️Features: With the help of the nobles, burn them together with the golden paper to bring the nobles to...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 伯公金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 虔诚祭拜伯公, 祈求赐予财富 ✏️Features: Pray for wealth. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the first and the fifteenth day. ✏️尺寸 Size & 金大小 Gold Size: ➯...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 虔诚祭拜伯公, 祈求赐予财富 ✏️Features: Pray for wealth. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 关帝 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 保佑荣华富贵 ✏️Features: Bless prosperity and wealth. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the first and the fifteenth day. ✏️尺寸 Size & 金大小 Gold Size:...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 保佑荣华富贵 ✏️Features: Bless prosperity and wealth. ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 五路财神金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 开运求财, 与金纸一同焚化才能招来五路财神赐福。每月的初二十六祭祀求财。求财, 招财, 做生意的人, 若想财运亨通, 财源滚滚, 在祭拜财神时, 除了上香外, 还可以焚烧五路财神元宝, 以求得五路财神护佑 ✏️Features: For good luck and fortune, burning together with gold paper can attract the blessings of the Five Gods of Wealth. Sacrifice for wealth on the twenty-sixth day of the...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 开运求财, 与金纸一同焚化才能招来五路财神赐福。每月的初二十六祭祀求财。求财, 招财, 做生意的人, 若想财运亨通, 财源滚滚, 在祭拜财神时, 除了上香外, 还可以焚烧五路财神元宝, 以求得五路财神护佑 ✏️Features: For good luck and fortune, burning together with gold paper can...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 地主金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 祈求出入平安, 富足安康 ✏️Features: Pray for safe entry and exit, prosperity and well-being ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for blessings, fortune, return vows, rituals. Can be incinerated in various gods’ birthdays, the first and the fifteenth day....
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 祈求出入平安, 富足安康 ✏️Features: Pray for safe entry and exit, prosperity and well-being ✏️适用: 拜神, 祈福, 招财, 还愿, 法事。可焚化于各种神诞, 初一及十五 ✏️Applicable: Worship, pray for...
JOSS PAPER (德)16寸 寿金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 求圣的民俗用品, 以达到祈福、延寿、保平安的美好愿望。祭祀神灵时, 要烧足百, 也就是最少一百张, 多出与否则没有限制, 视对神明的所求为何或诚心而定 ✏️Features: To achieve the good wishes of praying for blessings, prolonging life, and safeguarding safety. When offering sacrifices to the gods, you must burn a hundred, that is, at least one hundred sheets. There...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 求圣的民俗用品, 以达到祈福、延寿、保平安的美好愿望。祭祀神灵时, 要烧足百, 也就是最少一百张, 多出与否则没有限制, 视对神明的所求为何或诚心而定 ✏️Features: To achieve the good wishes of praying for blessings, prolonging life, and safeguarding safety. When...