JOSS PAPER 财运宝 孝子金
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 孝子金
✏️特点: 聚积功德, 消除业债, 造福后代子孙, 福寿安康, 家财万贯✏️Features: Accumulate merit, eliminate karmic debts, benefit future generations and grandchildren ✏️适用: 每逢初一, 十五或初二, 十六可以焚化。祭拜孝子爷/祖先/路祭/清明上坟/中元普渡及唤起子孙的孝心, 都可以焚化✏️Applicable: The first, fifteenth, second and sixteenth day of the day. you can worship your filial son/ancestors/road sacrifices/go to the grave...
RM 3.50
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 聚积功德, 消除业债, 造福后代子孙, 福寿安康, 家财万贯✏️Features: Accumulate merit, eliminate karmic debts, benefit future generations and grandchildren ✏️适用: 每逢初一, 十五或初二, 十六可以焚化。祭拜孝子爷/祖先/路祭/清明上坟/中元普渡及唤起子孙的孝心, 都可以焚化✏️Applicable: The first,...
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 五鬼运财金
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 五鬼运财金
✏️特点: 敬拜阴神皆可使用, 催财运, 旺运财, 逢赌必赢。五鬼将军让您有求必应✏️Features: It can be used to worship Yin God, to promote wealth and prosperity, and every gambling will win. General Five Ghosts makes you responsive ✏️适用: 每逢初一, 十五或平时日子均可焚化✏️Applicable: It can be incinerated every day of the first day...
RM 3.50
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 敬拜阴神皆可使用, 催财运, 旺运财, 逢赌必赢。五鬼将军让您有求必应✏️Features: It can be used to worship Yin God, to promote wealth and prosperity, and every gambling will win. General...
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 金钱伯赐财宝
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 金钱伯赐财宝
✏️特点: 金钱伯财运是由掌管阴间财宝的金钱伯作主, 并与金钱伯招财靈符配上雨宝陀罗尼咒具有显着的招财运效果。帮助善信正偏财运双收。平时也可焚化予祖先或阴神使用。使先人或阴神庇佑善信顺利吉祥, 财运亨通✏️Features: Uncle Qian's Wealth Fortune Gold is mastered by Uncle Qian, who is in charge of the treasures of the underworld, and combined with Uncle Qian's Lucky Charm and the Yubao Dharani Mantra, it has a significant effect...
RM 3.50
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 金钱伯财运是由掌管阴间财宝的金钱伯作主, 并与金钱伯招财靈符配上雨宝陀罗尼咒具有显着的招财运效果。帮助善信正偏财运双收。平时也可焚化予祖先或阴神使用。使先人或阴神庇佑善信顺利吉祥, 财运亨通✏️Features: Uncle Qian's Wealth Fortune Gold is mastered by Uncle Qian, who is in charge of the treasures of the...
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 大二伯爷还债金
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 财运宝 大二伯爷还债金
✏️特点: 大二伯爷还债金用途广泛, 其中以钱换钱的请神法罪受欢迎, 可方便善信能夠在自家沒有安置阴神的情況下, 祭拜大二伯爷, 请得安溪大二伯爷帮助, 求偏财或消除减少前世业债(消业障需要加上行善济德, 效果方得显著)让今生减少不必要的灾难✏️Features: The second uncle's debt repayment fund has a wide range of uses. Among them, the sin of begging the gods in exchange for money is very popular. It is convenient for good believers to worship the second...
RM 3.50
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 大二伯爷还债金用途广泛, 其中以钱换钱的请神法罪受欢迎, 可方便善信能夠在自家沒有安置阴神的情況下, 祭拜大二伯爷, 请得安溪大二伯爷帮助, 求偏财或消除减少前世业债(消业障需要加上行善济德, 效果方得显著)让今生减少不必要的灾难✏️Features: The second uncle's debt repayment fund has a wide range of uses. Among them, the sin of begging the...
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RM 3.50
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✏️特点: 普渡好兄弟, 求财祈福, 求祭拜阴神, 求为先人偿还业债, 求祭拜月尾, 求消个人前世业债✏️Features: Purdue good brothers, praying for wealth and blessings, worshiping Yin gods, repaying karmic debts for ancestors, worshiping the end of the moon, and eliminating personal karmic debts in previous lives ✏️适用: 逢初一, 十五或当身心不愉快, 诸事不顺时即可焚化, 平时也焚化以便集福给自己或现任来生使用✏️Applicable: It can be incinerated...
RM 3.50
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 普渡好兄弟, 求财祈福, 求祭拜阴神, 求为先人偿还业债, 求祭拜月尾, 求消个人前世业债✏️Features: Purdue good brothers, praying for wealth and blessings, worshiping Yin gods, repaying karmic debts for ancestors, worshiping the end...
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JOSS PAPER 赐福宝 文昌帝君
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER 赐福宝 文昌帝君
✏️特点: 保佑信众, 读书学子, 增进智慧, 学业进步, 考运顺利, 功成名就✏️Features: Bless the believers, read the students, increase their wisdom, improve their studies, pass the exams smoothly, and achieve success ✏️适用: 初一十五, 文昌誕, 孩子考试前拜✏️Applicable: On the 15th day of the first day, Wenchang birthday, children worship before the exam...
RM 2.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 保佑信众, 读书学子, 增进智慧, 学业进步, 考运顺利, 功成名就✏️Features: Bless the believers, read the students, increase their wisdom, improve their studies, pass the exams smoothly, and achieve success...
JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金阿伯公金
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金阿伯公金
✏️特点: 纸质好, 不掉金箔✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and does not lose gold foil ✏️适用: 祭拜阿伯公✏️Applicable: Worship Abergong ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 20.5cm*23cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1份(10张) & 0.03kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :) ⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure...
RM 1.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 纸质好, 不掉金箔✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and does not lose gold foil ✏️适用: 祭拜阿伯公✏️Applicable: Worship Abergong ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 20.5cm*23cm ✏️数量...
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金五路财神金
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金五路财神金
✏️特点: 增添财运, 五路财神金, 使求财者的财运更加旺盛, 生意兴隆✏️Features: Increase wealth, the five-way wealth of wealth, make the wealth seeker more prosperous, business is prosperous ✏️适用: 拜大神, 地主 ✏️Applicable: Worship the Great God Landlord ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 20.5cm*23cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1份(10张) & 0.03kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 &...
RM 1.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 增添财运, 五路财神金, 使求财者的财运更加旺盛, 生意兴隆✏️Features: Increase wealth, the five-way wealth of wealth, make the wealth seeker more prosperous, business is prosperous ✏️适用:...
JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金补运金
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金补运金
✏️特点: 帮助运势转好, 财运亨通, 万事顺意✏️Features: Helping the fortune to improve, the wealth is prosperous, everything goes well ✏️适用: 每日/初一, 十五, 供奉神明✏️Applicable: Every day/the first and the fifteenth day of the lunar day ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 20.5cm*23cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1份(10张) & 0.03kg...
RM 1.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 帮助运势转好, 财运亨通, 万事顺意✏️Features: Helping the fortune to improve, the wealth is prosperous, everything goes well ✏️适用: 每日/初一, 十五, 供奉神明✏️Applicable: Every day/the...
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金贵人金
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER (郑)烫金贵人金
✏️特点: 有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解✏️Features: Help to attract noble support / business is booming / everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 各种神明✏️Applicable: All kinds of gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 20.5cm*23cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1份(10张) & 0.03kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间,...
RM 1.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 烫金 金纸
✏️特点: 有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解✏️Features: Help to attract noble support / business is booming / everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 各种神明✏️Applicable: All kinds of gods...
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