
JOSS PAPER 【小/大】红纸烫金 四色贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 贵人符 ➯ 出门办事接引贵人扶持, 一切顺利 百解 ➯ 消灾解难, 保佑平安 赦书 ➯ 免除和减轻刑罚(赦书, 赦令, 赦免, 赦恕, 大赦, 特赦) 金牌 ➯ 免诸难, 免凶星, 免刑, 免灾 ✏️Features: Every day when go out to work or do business, hope everything goes smoothly, and noble support. To ensure that everything goes...
RM 15.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 贵人符 ➯ 出门办事接引贵人扶持, 一切顺利 百解 ➯ 消灾解难, 保佑平安 赦书 ➯ 免除和减轻刑罚(赦书, 赦令, 赦免, 赦恕, 大赦, 特赦) 金牌 ➯ 免诸难, 免凶星, 免刑, 免灾 ✏️Features: Every day when go...
JOSS PAPER 六宝贵人【赚大钱/拜婴灵金/马上遇贵人/天天接财神/和合金/补运金】(贵人纸)
✏️特点: ➯ 赚大钱: 长期使用能帮助你大富大贵, 一帆风顺, 多福多寿, 心想事成, 消灾解困, 全家平安, 身体健康 ➯ 拜婴灵金: 恭请各路神灵驾临保佑。莲花净化传轮回引渡先灵归本位。今生无缘续前果, 来世有幸继善缘。此超渡婴灵金能帮助你做事万事如意, 身体健康, 工作顺利 ➯ 马上遇贵人: 马上遇贵人之意, 无论去到哪里, 哪里都有贵人扶持、贵人相助。做事得心应手, 马到功成, 一帆风顺, 心想事成, 万事如意 ➯ 天天接财神: 接财神之意, 按民间习俗, 每年年初一开始接财神, 保佑全年顺风顺水, 日日兴旺, 赚大钱。可用于每天旺铺开市和家中供奉, 保佑官场者升官发财, 生意者财源广进, 打工者升职加薪, 大家发发发, 财源滚滚来 ➯ 和合金: 恭请各路神灵保佑夫妻/恋人/朋友/全家和睦, 家和万事兴,...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: ➯ 赚大钱: 长期使用能帮助你大富大贵, 一帆风顺, 多福多寿, 心想事成, 消灾解困, 全家平安, 身体健康 ➯ 拜婴灵金: 恭请各路神灵驾临保佑。莲花净化传轮回引渡先灵归本位。今生无缘续前果, 来世有幸继善缘。此超渡婴灵金能帮助你做事万事如意, 身体健康, 工作顺利 ➯ 马上遇贵人: 马上遇贵人之意, 无论去到哪里, 哪里都有贵人扶持、贵人相助。做事得心应手, 马到功成, 一帆风顺,...
JOSS PAPER 半张彩色【招财进宝/大富大贵/有求必应/贵人到/四季平安/日日行好运】 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利/百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to attract gold and wealthy people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 各种神明 ✏️Applicable: All kinds of gods...
RM 2.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利/百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to attract...
JOSS PAPER (郑)足红贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助贵人扶持、贵人相助、事事圆满、事事舒心、步步高升等等 ✏️Features: The noble talisman represents a powerful person who is helped by a good person. It helps the nobles to support, help the nobles, complete everything, feel comfortable in everything, rise step by step, etc ✏️适用: 各种神明 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 5.30
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助贵人扶持、贵人相助、事事圆满、事事舒心、步步高升等等 ✏️Features: The noble talisman represents a powerful person who is helped by a good person. It helps the nobles...
JOSS PAPER A级吉纸 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 打小人除了准备吉纸还有百解符、贵人绿马纸及小人纸等, 还必须准备肥猪肉及鸡蛋, 寓意让代表口舌、是非之神的白虎在吃饱后不再伤人及说是非。打小人的时间各地庙宇不一, 最为盛行的日子是“惊蛰”, 其它时间则有农历每月初六、十六、廿六或历书所记之“除日”。“惊蛰”依民间的说法是蛰伏中的万物被春雷惊醒之日, 也因此各种污蔑不堪之物包含小人、白虎星君等也开始活动, 因此必须在此时打小人以免小人为害 ✏️Features: In addition to preparing auspicious papers for the villain, there are Baijiefu, noble green horse paper and villain paper, etc., but also fat pork and eggs, which means that the white...
RM 1.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 打小人除了准备吉纸还有百解符、贵人绿马纸及小人纸等, 还必须准备肥猪肉及鸡蛋, 寓意让代表口舌、是非之神的白虎在吃饱后不再伤人及说是非。打小人的时间各地庙宇不一, 最为盛行的日子是“惊蛰”, 其它时间则有农历每月初六、十六、廿六或历书所记之“除日”。“惊蛰”依民间的说法是蛰伏中的万物被春雷惊醒之日, 也因此各种污蔑不堪之物包含小人、白虎星君等也开始活动, 因此必须在此时打小人以免小人为害 ✏️Features: In addition to preparing auspicious papers for the villain, there are Baijiefu, noble...
JOSS PAPER【168 有符/268】大百解 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: In addition to praying for blessings, it also has the function of resolving evils and warding off evil spirits. Once you have walked through some unclean places with heavy yin, such as funeral...
RM 24.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: In addition to praying for blessings, it also has the function of resolving evils...
JOSS PAPER (六宝贵人)消灾金
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祈福 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER (六宝贵人)化解小人
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祈福 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 可以每一天、初一、十五當天焚烧有助招金貴人 ✏️Applicable: It...
RM 3.60
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER 高级平庄烫金全年红贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 可以每一天、初一、十五當天焚烧有助招金貴人 ✏️Applicable: It...
RM 25.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER 6开烫金有求必应 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 可以每一天、初一、十五當天焚烧有助招金貴人 ✏️Applicable: It...
RM 3.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER 6开烫金赚大钱 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 可以每一天、初一、十五當天焚烧有助招金貴人 ✏️Applicable: It...
RM 3.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER 迷你烫金全年【红/绿】贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 拜祭大神, 天公, 地主 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 6.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER 高级平庄烫金全年绿贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 拜祭大神, 天公, 地主 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 26.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
JOSS PAPER (六宝贵人)升运贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 省运金, 百头贵人, 旺财金, 贵人指引, 百解贵人, 长命富贵 ✏️Features: Prosperous wealth, nobles with hundreds of heads, prosperous wealth, guidance from nobles, nobles with hundreds of understandings, long life and wealth ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祈福 ✏️Applicable: Worship all gods and bodhisattvas, pray for blessings ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 17.5cm*27cm...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 省运金, 百头贵人, 旺财金, 贵人指引, 百解贵人, 长命富贵 ✏️Features: Prosperous wealth, nobles with hundreds of heads, prosperous wealth, guidance from nobles, nobles with hundreds of understandings, long...
JOSS PAPER 满金箔贵人纸 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 每天或初一十五焚烧有助贵人扶持、贵人相助、事事圆满、事事舒心、步步高升等等 ✏️Features: Burning every day or on the 15th day of the first day will help the nobles to support, help the nobles, complete everything, feel comfortable in everything, improve step by step and so on ✏️适用: 拜祭大神, 天公, 地主...
RM 2.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 每天或初一十五焚烧有助贵人扶持、贵人相助、事事圆满、事事舒心、步步高升等等 ✏️Features: Burning every day or on the 15th day of the first day will help the nobles to support, help...
JOSS PAPER【红/黄】招财童子贵人纸 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 帮助自己招贵人, 让你的生活将会更加的顺风顺水, 你的事业能够发展得更好, 财运也是滚滚而来, 人际, 家庭都顺顺利利, 遇到问题都有贵人出现帮你消灾解难 ✏️Features: Help yourself to recruit noble people, so that your life will be more smooth, your career can develop better, wealth is rolling in, interpersonal relationships and family are going smoothly, and when you encounter problems, noble...
RM 1.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 帮助自己招贵人, 让你的生活将会更加的顺风顺水, 你的事业能够发展得更好, 财运也是滚滚而来, 人际, 家庭都顺顺利利, 遇到问题都有贵人出现帮你消灾解难 ✏️Features: Help yourself to recruit noble people, so that your life will be more smooth, your career can develop...
JOSS PAPER 手染烫金红贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 ✏️Features: Every day when go out to work or do business, hope everything goes smoothly, and noble support. To ensure that everything goes smoothly and profitably, the result will be doubled ✏️适用: 可以每一天、初一、十五當天焚烧有助招貴人 ✏️Applicable: It...
RM 3.90
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 ✏️Features: Every day when go out to work or do business, hope everything goes smoothly, and noble...
JOSS PAPER 彩色大百解 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 彩色大百解, 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: The colorful solutions can not only pray for blessings, but also resolve evil disasters and ward off evil spirits. I have traveled to some places with heavy yin, such as funeral homes, cemeteries, etc., I can...
RM 29.80
Home page
拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 彩色大百解, 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: The colorful solutions can not only pray for blessings, but also resolve evil disasters and ward off evil...
JOSS PAPER 100x100 红贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 各种神明 ✏️Applicable: All kinds...
RM 4.50
Home page
拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...