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JOSS PAPER 安溪大二爷伯还债金 (冥纸)
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✏️特点: 积福报, 增添个人财富, 遇贵人相助, 小人不缠身, 生意兴隆,"安溪大爷伯二爷伯还债金"虽名为还债,却不是在祭拜阴神或欠债人才可焚化,而是只要感到诸事不顺时即可当天在屋外焚化以祛除霉气,霉运,消除业障和业债,消灾解厄以及小人去,贵人来。自然界其他神明菩萨已经祖先也能使用,是膜拜者的良好贡品。
✏️Features: Accumulate blessings, increase personal wealth, help with nobles, stay away from villains, and prosper business, although "Anxi Da/Er Ye Bo's Debt Repayment Fund" is called debt repayment, it is not to be burned only to worship the gods or debtors. Instead, it can be burned outside the house on the same day to get rid of bad luck and bad luck whenever you feel that everything is not going your way. , eliminate karmic obstacles and debts, eliminate disasters and troubles, and the villains go and the nobles come. It can also be used by ancestors of other gods and bodhisattvas in nature, and is a good tribute for worshipers.
✏️适用: 每逢初一, 十五或初二, 十六可以焚化。祭拜安溪大二爷伯、中原普渡、祭拜祖先、祭拜各路好兄弟
✏️Applicable: Can be burned on the first, fifteenth or second and sixteenth day of the lunar day. Worship Anxi big second grandpa, Zhongyuan Pudu, worship ancestors, worship good brothers from all walks of life
✏️尺寸 Size:
➯ 20cm*18cm
✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:
➯ 1盒(30张) & 0.12kg
⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :)
⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length & weight, as well as the quantity. It is inevitable that there will be a little error. The specific object is the standard, but the error will be between 1cm+- & 10g+-, please understand :)
⚠️注意⚠️产品均为实物拍摄, 图片仅供参考
⚠️Note⚠️The products are all taken in kind, and the picture are for reference only