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JOSS PAPER 【拜地主/拜祖先/拜大神/拜关帝/拜伯公/拜天公/拜观音】(套装)
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER 【拜地主/拜祖先/拜大神/拜关帝/拜伯公/拜天公/拜观音】(套装)
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky gold, clothes, various materials for worship, etc.), which is convenient and time-saving. You can complete the worship with...
RM 1.80
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Home page 套装 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky...
JOSS PAPER 精品【拜大神/拜地主/拜观音/拜祖先/拜天公/拜关帝/拜拿督】...
RM 4.80
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JOSS PAPER 精品【拜大神/拜地主/拜观音/拜祖先/拜天公/拜关帝/拜拿督】(靓彩盘) (套装)
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时 只需一包即可完成祭拜【祈求】拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人 ✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky gold, clothes, various materials for worship, etc.), which is convenient and time- saving. You can complete the...
RM 4.80
Home page 套装 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时 只需一包即可完成祭拜【祈求】拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人 ✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold,...
JOSS PAPER 极品【拜大神/拜祖先/拜关帝/拜天公/拜伯公/拜拿督/拜观音/...
RM 3.80
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JOSS PAPER 极品【拜大神/拜祖先/拜关帝/拜天公/拜伯公/拜拿督/拜观音/拜地主】(套装)
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky gold, clothes, various materials for worship, etc.), which is convenient and time-saving. You can complete the worship with...
RM 3.80
Home page 套装 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky...
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JOSS PAPER 足料【拜大神/拜观音/拜地主/拜关帝/拜大伯公/拜祖先/拜天公...
RM 3.30
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JOSS PAPER 足料【拜大神/拜观音/拜地主/拜关帝/拜大伯公/拜祖先/拜天公】(套装)
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky gold, clothes, various materials for worship, etc.), which is convenient and time-saving. You can complete the worship with...
RM 3.30
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Home page 套装 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时, 只需一包即可完成祭拜。拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky...
JOSS PAPER 六宝贵人【赚大钱/拜婴灵金/马上遇贵人/天天接财神/和合金/补...
RM 3.80
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JOSS PAPER 六宝贵人【赚大钱/拜婴灵金/马上遇贵人/天天接财神/和合金/补运金】(贵人纸)
✏️特点:  ➯  赚大钱: 长期使用能帮助你大富大贵, 一帆风顺, 多福多寿, 心想事成, 消灾解困, 全家平安, 身体健康 ➯  拜婴灵金: 恭请各路神灵驾临保佑。莲花净化传轮回引渡先灵归本位。今生无缘续前果, 来世有幸继善缘。此超渡婴灵金能帮助你做事万事如意, 身体健康, 工作顺利 ➯  马上遇贵人: 马上遇贵人之意, 无论去到哪里, 哪里都有贵人扶持、贵人相助。做事得心应手, 马到功成, 一帆风顺, 心想事成, 万事如意 ➯  天天接财神: 接财神之意, 按民间习俗, 每年年初一开始接财神, 保佑全年顺风顺水, 日日兴旺, 赚大钱。可用于每天旺铺开市和家中供奉, 保佑官场者升官发财, 生意者财源广进, 打工者升职加薪, 大家发发发, 财源滚滚来 ➯  和合金: 恭请各路神灵保佑夫妻/恋人/朋友/全家和睦, 家和万事兴,...
RM 3.80
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 贵人符 金纸
✏️特点:  ➯  赚大钱: 长期使用能帮助你大富大贵, 一帆风顺, 多福多寿, 心想事成, 消灾解困, 全家平安, 身体健康 ➯  拜婴灵金: 恭请各路神灵驾临保佑。莲花净化传轮回引渡先灵归本位。今生无缘续前果, 来世有幸继善缘。此超渡婴灵金能帮助你做事万事如意, 身体健康, 工作顺利 ➯  马上遇贵人: 马上遇贵人之意, 无论去到哪里, 哪里都有贵人扶持、贵人相助。做事得心应手, 马到功成, 一帆风顺,...
JOSS PAPER 【小/大】红纸烫金 四色贵人 (贵人纸)
RM 15.80
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JOSS PAPER 【小/大】红纸烫金 四色贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 贵人符 ➯ 出门办事接引贵人扶持, 一切顺利 百解 ➯ 消灾解难, 保佑平安 赦书 ➯ 免除和减轻刑罚(赦书, 赦令, 赦免, 赦恕, 大赦, 特赦) 金牌 ➯ 免诸难, 免凶星, 免刑, 免灾 ✏️Features: Every day when go out to work or do business, hope everything goes smoothly, and noble support. To ensure that everything goes...
RM 15.80
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 贵人符 金纸
✏️特点: 每天出门工作或做生意, 都希望能事事顺利, 贵人扶助。以保一切事情都顺顺利利, 事半功倍 贵人符 ➯ 出门办事接引贵人扶持, 一切顺利 百解 ➯ 消灾解难, 保佑平安 赦书 ➯ 免除和减轻刑罚(赦书, 赦令, 赦免, 赦恕, 大赦, 特赦) 金牌 ➯ 免诸难, 免凶星, 免刑, 免灾 ✏️Features: Every day when go...
JOSS PAPER (华)小【金/银】条
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER (华)小【金/银】条
✏️特点: 色泽艳丽, 纯足金/银(999.9)✏️Features: Bright color, pure gold/silver(999.9) ✏️适用: 清明节, 中原节祭拜往生者, 祖先等等✏️Applicable: Tomb-sweeping Festival, Central Plains Festival to worship deceased, ancestors, etc. ✏️尺寸 Size: 小金条 ➯ 3.5cm*11.5cm 小银条 ➯ 3.5cm*11.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  小金条 ➯ 1包(10个) & 0.03kg 小银条 ➯ 1包(10个) & 0.03kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差,...
RM 1.80
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 色泽艳丽, 纯足金/银(999.9)✏️Features: Bright color, pure gold/silver(999.9) ✏️适用: 清明节, 中原节祭拜往生者, 祖先等等✏️Applicable: Tomb-sweeping Festival, Central Plains Festival to worship deceased, ancestors, etc. ✏️尺寸 Size: 小金条 ➯ 3.5cm*11.5cm...
JOSS CANDLE【1号/2号/3号/5号】旺来烛 (蜡烛)
RM 26.30
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JOSS CANDLE【1号/2号/3号/5号】旺来烛 (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 无黑烟, 无流蜡, 环保。蜡烛是用于照明、祭祀和治疗疾病。随着电力被广泛应用, 蜡烛不再用于照明而是用于祭祀、婚礼、葬礼等重要场合✏️Features: 100% pure wax, no black smoke, no wax flow, environmental protection. Candles are used for lighting, offering sacrifices and curing diseases. With the widespread use of electricity, candles are no longer used for lighting,...
RM 26.30
Home page 拜神蜡烛 旺来烛 蜡烛 蜡烛 蜡烛 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 无黑烟, 无流蜡, 环保。蜡烛是用于照明、祭祀和治疗疾病。随着电力被广泛应用, 蜡烛不再用于照明而是用于祭祀、婚礼、葬礼等重要场合✏️Features: 100% pure wax, no black smoke, no wax flow, environmental protection. Candles are used for lighting,...
JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm/42cm/52cm/60cm/80cm】...
RM 3.80
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JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm/42cm/52cm/60cm/80cm】 红色烫金中元宝 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish the financial treasury, and seek business prosperity ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祖先。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用, 即使是清明节都可以用来敬祖✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods, bodhisattvas, and ancestors. It...
RM 3.80
Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香 香 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish...
JOSS CANDLE 【½斤/1斤/2斤/3斤】仙桃年烛 (蜡烛)
RM 2.80
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JOSS CANDLE 【½斤/1斤/2斤/3斤】仙桃年烛 (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 耐点, 不滴蜡, 环保无黑烟✏️Features: 100% pure wax, point resistant, no wax dripping, environmental protection and no black smoke ✏️适用: 大日子, 新年供奉神用✏️Applicable: Big day, new year for worship ✏️总长 Total Length & 蜡身 Candle Body: ½ 斤 ➯ 31cm*2.2cm & 15.3cm...
RM 2.80
Home page 年烛 拜神蜡烛 蜡烛 蜡烛
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 耐点, 不滴蜡, 环保无黑烟✏️Features: 100% pure wax, point resistant, no wax dripping, environmental protection and no black smoke ✏️适用: 大日子, 新年供奉神用✏️Applicable:...
JOSS CANDLE (仙)【大/中/小/2号无字加大】莲花烛 (蓮花蠟燭)
RM 6.80
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JOSS CANDLE (仙)【大/中/小/2号无字加大】莲花烛 (蓮花蠟燭)
✏️特点: 光亮耐燃, 品质保证 ✏️Features: Bright, flame-resistant, quality assurance ✏️适用: 初一十五点, 也适合各大神, 观音 ✏️Applicable: 15th on the first day, also suitable for all gods, Guanyin ✏️总长 Total Length: 大 ➯ 12cm*8.5cm 中 ➯ 8cm*5.5cm 小 ➯ 5cm*4.5cm 2号无字加大 ➯ 19cm*13cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 大 ➯ 1个...
RM 6.80
Home page 拜神蜡烛 莲花烛 蜡烛 蜡烛
✏️特点: 光亮耐燃, 品质保证 ✏️Features: Bright, flame-resistant, quality assurance ✏️适用: 初一十五点, 也适合各大神, 观音 ✏️Applicable: 15th on the first day, also suitable for all...
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JOSS PAPER 10cm 旺来【金/银】 (金纸, 小金)
RM 1.80
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JOSS PAPER 10cm 旺来【金/银】 (金纸, 小金)
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。拜众神招财/补运/平安/顺顺利利, 地主公贡品, 招横财, 买万字中头奖✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Used for worshiping the gods for wealth/replenishment/safety/successful and smooth, landlord's tribute, lucky fortune, winning the first prize in 4D ✏️适用: 祭拜神明或祖先✏️Applicable: Worship to gods or ancestors.  ✏️尺寸 Size...
RM 1.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金银纸
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。拜众神招财/补运/平安/顺顺利利, 地主公贡品, 招横财, 买万字中头奖✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Used for worshiping the gods for wealth/replenishment/safety/successful and...
JOSS CANDLE 上福田【1号/2号/3号/5号】旺来烛 (蜡烛)
RM 37.80
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JOSS CANDLE 上福田【1号/2号/3号/5号】旺来烛 (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 无黑烟, 无流蜡, 环保。蜡烛是用于照明、祭祀和治疗疾病。随着电力被广泛应用, 蜡烛不再用于照明而是用于祭祀、婚礼、葬礼等重要场合✏️Features: 100% pure wax, no black smoke, no wax flow, environmental protection. Candles are used for lighting, offering sacrifices and curing diseases. With the widespread use of electricity, candles are no longer used for lighting,...
RM 37.80
Home page 拜神蜡烛 旺来烛 蜡烛 蜡烛
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 无黑烟, 无流蜡, 环保。蜡烛是用于照明、祭祀和治疗疾病。随着电力被广泛应用, 蜡烛不再用于照明而是用于祭祀、婚礼、葬礼等重要场合✏️Features: 100% pure wax, no black smoke, no wax flow, environmental protection. Candles are used for lighting,...
JOSS PAPER 【HS01/HS02】 金边【男/女】皮鞋 (冥纸)
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER 【HS01/HS02】 金边【男/女】皮鞋 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 神料精品 ✏️Features: Wonderful products ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 路边, 好兄弟等等 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, roadside, good brothers, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: 男 ➯ 19cm*26cm 女 ➯ 16.4cm*24cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 男 ➯ 1对 & 0.05kg 女 ➯ 1对 & 0.04kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+-...
RM 2.80
Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 神料精品 ✏️Features: Wonderful products ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 路边, 好兄弟等等 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, roadside, good brothers, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: 男 ➯ 19cm*26cm 女 ➯ 16.4cm*24cm ✏️数量 Quantity...
JOSS STICK (金)【32cm/38cm】不烫手发财檀味香(1kg) (小香)
RM 15.80
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JOSS STICK (金)【32cm/38cm】不烫手发财檀味香(1kg) (小香)
✏️特点: 微烟, 环保, 不烫手, 使用健康✏️Features: Less smoke, environmental protection, not hot, healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 32cm ➯ 32cm*0.27cm & 20.5cm 38cm ➯ 38cm*0.27cm & 27.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  32cm ➯ 1包 & 1.0kg 38cm ➯...
RM 15.80
Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 微烟, 环保, 不烫手, 使用健康✏️Features: Less smoke, environmental protection, not hot, healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods ✏️总长 Total Length...
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KEMANYAN 9336 雪茄甘文烟
RM 10.80
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KEMANYAN 9336 雪茄甘文烟
✏️特点: 采用独特配方制造, 朱律味极度浓, 烟多, 耐烧✏️Features: Manufactured with a unique formula, extremely strong Zhulu flavor, more smoke, and burn-resistant ✏️适用: 拿督公, 地主公, 大神, 大二爷伯, 泰国神, 印度神 等等✏️Applicable: Dato Gong, Landlord, Great God, Second Uncle, Thai God, Indian God, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 16cm*26cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯...
RM 10.80
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Home page 其它 其它神料 甘文烟
✏️特点: 采用独特配方制造, 朱律味极度浓, 烟多, 耐烧✏️Features: Manufactured with a unique formula, extremely strong Zhulu flavor, more smoke, and burn-resistant ✏️适用: 拿督公, 地主公, 大神, 大二爷伯, 泰国神, 印度神 等等✏️Applicable: Dato Gong,...
PRAYING USE 财神灯芯【金白/金红】
RM 1.80
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PRAYING USE 财神灯芯【金白/金红】
✏️特点: 省油, 耐用, 环保无烟✏️Features: Fuel-efficient, durable, environmentally friendly and smoke-free ✏️适用: 供佛油灯✏️Applicable: Oil lamp for Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: 金白 ➯ 11.5cm*12cm 金红 ➯ 11.5cm*12cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  金白 ➯ 1包 & 0.03kg 金红 ➯ 1包 & 0.03kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差,...
RM 1.80
Home page 其他 Home Page Slide 其它 其它神料 灯芯
✏️特点: 省油, 耐用, 环保无烟✏️Features: Fuel-efficient, durable, environmentally friendly and smoke-free ✏️适用: 供佛油灯✏️Applicable: Oil lamp for Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: 金白 ➯ 11.5cm*12cm 金红 ➯ 11.5cm*12cm ✏️数量...
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KEMANYAN 加料甘文烟(50粒)【黑/黄】
RM 9.80
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KEMANYAN 加料甘文烟(50粒)【黑/黄】
✏️特点: 纯正甘文烟味, 香味浓厚纯正, 耐点多烟。祈求祛邪、保佑平安✏️Features: Pure Kemanyan, strong and pure fragrance, resistant to a lot of smoke. Pray to get rid of evil spirits and bless peace ✏️适用: 祭祀拿督公✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to Datuk ✏️尺寸 Size: 黑 ➯  黄 ➯  ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量...
RM 9.80
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Home page 其他 Home Page Slide 其它 其它神料 甘文烟
✏️特点: 纯正甘文烟味, 香味浓厚纯正, 耐点多烟。祈求祛邪、保佑平安✏️Features: Pure Kemanyan, strong and pure fragrance, resistant to a lot of smoke. Pray to get rid of evil...
INCENSE COIL【1小时/3小时/4小时】老山檀盘香
RM 12.80
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INCENSE COIL【1小时/3小时/4小时】老山檀盘香
✏️特点: 天然檀香木, 香气优雅, 安神静心, 舒缓精神和净化空气✏️Features: Natural sandalwood, elegant aroma, soothe the mind, soothe the spirit and purify the air ✏️适用: 敬佛礼神✏️Applicable: Worship Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: 1小时 ➯ 13.5cm*4.5cm 3小时 ➯ 6.5cm*8cm 4小时 ➯ 8.5cm*8.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 1小时 ➯ 1盒(72片) & 0.09kg 3小时 ➯ 1盒(60片) & 0.14kg...
RM 12.80
Home page 塔香 拜神香
✏️特点: 天然檀香木, 香气优雅, 安神静心, 舒缓精神和净化空气✏️Features: Natural sandalwood, elegant aroma, soothe the mind, soothe the spirit and purify the air ✏️适用: 敬佛礼神✏️Applicable: Worship Buddha ✏️尺寸...
JOSS PAPER 【HA44/HA45】 柔美护肤药品套装【外用/内用】
RM 6.20
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JOSS PAPER 【HA44/HA45】 柔美护肤药品套装【外用/内用】
✏️特点: 内有风油, 无比膏, 胶布, 西瓜霜, yoko-yoko, 如意油, 正骨水 等等 ✏️Features: Contains wind oil, incomparable ointment, tape, watermelon cream, yoko-yoko, ruyi oil, bone-setting water, etc ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, and those who have passed away ✏️尺寸 Size: HA44 外用 ➯ 31.7cm*26.7cm*3.5cm HA45 内用 ➯ 32cm*26.5cm*3.5cm...
RM 6.20
Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 内有风油, 无比膏, 胶布, 西瓜霜, yoko-yoko, 如意油, 正骨水 等等 ✏️Features: Contains wind oil, incomparable ointment, tape, watermelon cream, yoko-yoko, ruyi oil, bone-setting water, etc ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable:...
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