LUCKY GOODS 发财米桶(3kg)
✏️特点: 米缸不但有储存米的功能, 还有催财旺财的功效; 若将米缸摆放在厨房的财位上, 则有利于加强米缸催旺财运的效果, 而厨房门四十五度的对角线位置上, 这是厨房里的财位, 易安居风水建议将家中米缸摆放在厨房的此方位上
✏️Features: The rice vat not only has the function of storing rice, but also has the effect of promoting wealth; if the rice vat is placed on the financial position of the kitchen, it will help strengthen the effect of the rice vat to promote wealth, and the kitchen door is at forty-five degrees On the diagonal position of the kitchen, this is the financial position in the kitchen. Yi Anju Feng Shui recommends placing the rice tank in the kitchen at this position
✏️适用: 厨房
✏️Applicable: Kitchen
🆘* Random delivery, if you need to change the colour, please send us a private message or leave a message before the statement 😊 (❗️Limited stock ❗️📦)