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JOSS STICK 【28cm/33cm/38cm】1.3脚天松柏香 (小香)
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✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。微烟, 微灰, 不烫手, 好燃点。招财吉祥话贡着神, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用
✏️Features: Refreshing, refreshing, removing dirty air, relaxing mood, soothing irritability, and purifying the air. Light smoke, light ash, not hot, easy to burn. Lucky words are tribute to the gods, but also for the host family’s wealth and safety, if the career is not going well
✏️适用: 拜大神小神或祖先等等。祈福还愿, 日常礼佛, 寺庙用香
✏️Applicable: Worship big gods and small gods or ancestors. Blessings and vows daily buddhist ceremony incense for temples
✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body:
28cm ➯ 28cm*0.24cm & 18.5cm
33cm ➯ 33cm*0.26cm & 22.5cm
38cm ➯ 38cm*0.27cm & 27cm
✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:
28cm ➯ 1包 & 1.00kg
33cm ➯ 1包 & 1.00kg
38cm ➯ 1包 & 1.00kg
⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :)
⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length & weight, as well as the quantity. It is inevitable that there will be a little error. The specific object is the standard, but the error will be between 1cm+- & 10g+-, please understand :)
⚠️注意⚠️产品均为实物拍摄, 图片仅供参考
⚠️Note⚠️The products are all taken in kind, and the picture are for reference only