✏️特点: 每份都有足够的拜神料(贵人纸, 金, 大金, 天金, 衣服, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时 只需一包即可完成祭拜
【祈求】拜神祈福还愿法事, 接引贵人祈福平安五方招财消灾金破小人
✏️Features: Each portion has enough materials for worship (noble paper, gold, big gold, sky gold, clothes, various materials for worship, etc.), which is convenient and time- saving. You can complete the worship with only one pack
【Pray】Worship the gods and pray for blessings and vouch for rituals, and invite the nobles to pray for peace and safety
✏️适用: 神诞, 初一/十五, 大日子
✏️Applicable: God's birthday, first day/fifteenth day, big day