JOSS PAPER 中国大百解 (贵人纸)
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✏️特点: 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情
✏️Features: In addition to praying for blessings, it also has the function of resolving evils and warding off evil spirits. Once you have walked through some unclean places with heavy yin, such as funeral homes, cemeteries, etc., you can use Dabaijie to sweep the whole body to drive away the evil. Evil, sickness, pain, decay and luck. It can resolve some evils and unpleasant things
✏️适用: 各种神明
✏️Applicable: All kinds of gods
✏️尺寸 Size:
➯ 51cm*65cm
✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:
➯ 1包(100张) & 0.87kg
⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :)
⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length & weight, as well as the quantity. It is inevitable that there will be a little error. The specific object is the standard, but the error will be between 1cm+- & 10g+-, please understand :)
⚠️注意⚠️产品均为实物拍摄, 图片仅供参考
⚠️Note⚠️The products are all taken in kind, and the picture are for reference only