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INCENSE COIL 荣泰二尺包庄半月塔香 (檀香)
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✏️特点: 由木粉、树皮黏粉、纯植物精油及越南檀香粉特制而成, 天然植物, 其香气幽雅、可净化空气、杀菌除邪、是特点佳品, 轻轻捏开, 不易折断
✏️Features: It is made from wood powder, bark stick powder, pure plant essential oil and Vietnamese sandalwood powder. It is a natural plant. Its fragrance is elegant, can purify the air, sterilize and eliminate evils, and is a good product. Pinch open, not easy to break
✏️适用: 敬佛礼神
✏️Applicable: Worship Buddha
✏️尺寸 Size:
➯ 39cm*39cm
✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:
➯ 1片 & 0.32kg
✏️燃烧时长 Burning time:
➯ 3天+-
⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解 :)
⚠️Note⚠️Manually measure the length & weight, as well as the quantity. It is inevitable that there will be a little error. The specific object is the standard, but the error will be between 1cm+- & 10g+-, please understand :)
⚠️注意⚠️产品均为实物拍摄, 图片仅供参考
⚠️Note⚠️The products are all taken in kind, and the picture are for reference only