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JOSS PAPER 3D(立体)观音袍
RM 12.00
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JOSS PAPER 3D(立体)观音袍
✏️特点: 方便祭拜。每一套里包括龙袍, 帽子, 鞋子, 神器 ✏️Features: Convenient for worship. Each set includes dragon robes, hats, shoes, artifacts ✏️适用: 祭拜观音 ✏️Applicable: Worship Guanyin ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 40cm*44cm(包装)/ 8.1cm*19cm(鞋)/ 38cm*38cm(衣)/ 19cm*43.5cm(帽)/ 10.5cm*25cm(牌) ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1套 & 0.14kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差,...
RM 12.00
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 龙衣
✏️特点: 方便祭拜。每一套里包括龙袍, 帽子, 鞋子, 神器 ✏️Features: Convenient for worship. Each set includes dragon robes, hats, shoes, artifacts ✏️适用: 祭拜观音 ✏️Applicable: Worship Guanyin ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯...
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JOSS PAPER 中号 对开天金(皇帽)
RM 6.80
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JOSS PAPER 中号 对开天金(皇帽)
✏️特点: 纸质好, 现成(不用折, 只需打开即可化)。祈求保佑,可作招财之用。每逢初一十五或开市敬拜, 可有不同效果✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and ready-made (no need to fold, just open to melt). Pray for blessing, it can be used to attract wealth. Every time you worship on the 15th day of...
RM 6.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 纸质好, 现成(不用折, 只需打开即可化)。祈求保佑,可作招财之用。每逢初一十五或开市敬拜, 可有不同效果✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and ready-made (no need to fold, just open to melt). Pray...
JOSS PAPER 五路财神金元宝
RM 3.90
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JOSS PAPER 五路财神金元宝
✏️特点: 纸质好, 现成(不用折, 只需打开即可化)。祈求保佑,可作招财之用。每逢初一十五或开市敬拜, 可有不同效果✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and ready-made (no need to fold, just open to melt). Pray for blessing, it can be used to attract wealth. Every time you worship on the 15th day of the...
RM 3.90
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 纸质好, 现成(不用折, 只需打开即可化)。祈求保佑,可作招财之用。每逢初一十五或开市敬拜, 可有不同效果✏️Features: The paper is of good quality and ready-made (no need to fold, just open to melt). Pray for...
RM 13.80
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✏️特点: 旺来旺来, 寓意招财旺来, 聚福聚财, 财源不断。金纸金旺梨, 拜拜佳品, 祈求神明保佑: 事业家庭, 和气旺财, 旺梨能招财进宝, 添加旺气!✏️Features: Prosperity, which means to attract wealth and prosperity, gather fortune and fortune, and make money continuously. Gold paper and golden pears, pray for the blessings of gods: career and family, harmony and prosperity, pears can attract...
RM 13.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸
✏️特点: 旺来旺来, 寓意招财旺来, 聚福聚财, 财源不断。金纸金旺梨, 拜拜佳品, 祈求神明保佑: 事业家庭, 和气旺财, 旺梨能招财进宝, 添加旺气!✏️Features: Prosperity, which means to attract wealth and prosperity, gather fortune and fortune, and make money continuously. Gold paper...
JOSS PAPER 12寸靓纸烫金(新)七彩金【观音/地主/拿督/关帝/财神/天宫...
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 12寸靓纸烫金(新)七彩金【观音/地主/拿督/关帝/财神/天宫/伯公/祖先/旺财】
✏️特点: 七彩金, 质量好, 烫金不掉箔 ✏️Features: Colorful gold, good quality, bronzing does not fall off the foil ✏️适用: 神诞, 初一/十五, 大日子 ✏️Applicable: God's birthday, first day/fifteenth day, big day ✏️尺寸 Size: 观音 ➯ 26.5cm*29cm 地主 ➯ 26.5cm*29cm 拿督 ➯ 26.5cm*29cm 关帝...
RM 3.50
Home page 七彩金纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 七彩金, 质量好, 烫金不掉箔 ✏️Features: Colorful gold, good quality, bronzing does not fall off the foil ✏️适用: 神诞, 初一/十五, 大日子 ✏️Applicable: God's...
JOSS PAPER 8寸靓纸烫金(新)七彩金【观音/地主/拿督/关帝/财神/天宫/...
RM 3.30
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JOSS PAPER 8寸靓纸烫金(新)七彩金【观音/地主/拿督/关帝/财神/天宫/祖先/旺财】
✏️特点: 七彩金, 质量好, 烫金不掉箔 ✏️Features: Colorful gold, good quality, bronzing does not fall off the foil ✏️适用: 神诞, 初一/十五, 大日子 ✏️Applicable: God's birthday, first day/fifteenth day, big day ✏️尺寸 Size: 观音 ➯ 23.4cm*25cm 地主 ➯ 23.4cm*25cm 拿督 ➯ 23.4cm*25cm 关帝...
RM 3.30
Home page 七彩金纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 七彩金, 质量好, 烫金不掉箔 ✏️Features: Colorful gold, good quality, bronzing does not fall off the foil ✏️适用: 神诞, 初一/十五, 大日子 ✏️Applicable: God's...
JOSS PAPER 916 精庄九开古力皇【金/银】
RM 3.20
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JOSS PAPER 916 精庄九开古力皇【金/银】
✏️特点: 品质优良, 保证不掉箔 ✏️Features: Good quality, guaranteed not to fall off the foil ✏️适用: 可以用来祭祀祖先, 清明节, 祖先忌日, 初一十五祭祀祖先✏️Applicable: It can be used to worship ancestors, Qingming Festival, ancestors' death day, and ancestor worship on the 15th day of the new year ✏️尺寸 Size:...
RM 3.20
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金银纸
✏️特点: 品质优良, 保证不掉箔 ✏️Features: Good quality, guaranteed not to fall off the foil ✏️适用: 可以用来祭祀祖先, 清明节, 祖先忌日, 初一十五祭祀祖先✏️Applicable: It can be used to worship ancestors,...
JOSS PAPER 6020 玉扣双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
RM 3.50
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JOSS PAPER 6020 玉扣双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 传统古钞, 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Traditional ancient banknotes, Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of the sacrificial offerings cremated when worshiping ghosts or ancestors, meaning money for the deceased to use in the...
RM 3.50
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 传统古钞, 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Traditional ancient banknotes, Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of...
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JOSS PAPER 靓纸双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER 靓纸双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping ghosts and ancestors. It means money used by the deceased in the underworld ✏️适用: 祭祖, 法事, 清明节, 重阳节,...
RM 2.80
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping...
JOSS CANDLE 1斤年烛 (蜡烛)
RM 4.80
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JOSS CANDLE 1斤年烛 (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 耐点, 不滴蜡, 环保无黑烟✏️Features: 100% pure wax, point resistant, no wax dripping, environmental protection and no black smoke ✏️适用: 大日子, 新年供奉神用✏️Applicable: Big day, new year for worship ✏️总长 Total Length & 蜡身 Candle Body: ➯  ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ...
RM 4.80
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Home page 年烛 拜神蜡烛 蜡烛 蜡烛
✏️特点: 100%纯蜡, 耐点, 不滴蜡, 环保无黑烟✏️Features: 100% pure wax, point resistant, no wax dripping, environmental protection and no black smoke ✏️适用: 大日子, 新年供奉神用✏️Applicable:...
PRAYING CENSER 7寸 铜光身炉 (香炉)
RM 228.00
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PRAYING CENSER 7寸 铜光身炉 (香炉)
✏️特点: 采用电镀制作, 不易变黑, 耐用✏️Features: Made of electroplating, not easy to blacken, durable ✏️适用: 各个大神, 天神✏️Applicable: All the great gods, tianshen ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 17.7cm*15cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 1.61kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间, 还望谅解...
RM 228.00
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Home page 金身/佛具 香炉
✏️特点: 采用电镀制作, 不易变黑, 耐用✏️Features: Made of electroplating, not easy to blacken, durable ✏️适用: 各个大神, 天神✏️Applicable: All the great gods, tianshen ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 17.7cm*15cm...
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LIGHTER 265 单头防风大枪
RM 9.80
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LIGHTER 265 单头防风大枪
✏️特点: 模拟任何高端性能, 防风打火机, 使用简单安全, 可以再填充 ✏️Features: Simulate any high-end performance, windproof lighter, simple and safe to use, and can be refilled ✏️适用: 多用途电子点火器 ✏️Applicable: Multi-purpose electronic igniter ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 6.5cm*3cm*12cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1支 & 0.07kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 &...
RM 9.80
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Home page 其它 其它神料
✏️特点: 模拟任何高端性能, 防风打火机, 使用简单安全, 可以再填充 ✏️Features: Simulate any high-end performance, windproof lighter, simple and safe to use, and can be refilled ✏️适用:...
LIGHTER 116 防风火机
RM 47.60
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LIGHTER 116 防风火机
✏️特点: 模拟任何高端性能, 防风打火机, 使用简单安全, 可以再填充 ✏️Features: Simulate any high-end performance, windproof lighter, simple and safe to use, and can be refilled ✏️适用: 多用途电子点火器 ✏️Applicable: Multi-purpose electronic igniter ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 6.5cm*5cm*9.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1支 & 0.18kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 &...
RM 47.60
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Home page 其它 其它神料
✏️特点: 模拟任何高端性能, 防风打火机, 使用简单安全, 可以再填充 ✏️Features: Simulate any high-end performance, windproof lighter, simple and safe to use, and can be refilled ✏️适用:...
LIGHTER 1519B 直冲打火机(大)
RM 6.50
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LIGHTER 1519B 直冲打火机(大)
✏️特点: 防风打火机, 充气直冲火, 气体焊枪喷枪 ✏️Features: Windproof lighter, inflatable direct fire, gas torch spray gun ✏️适用: 多用途电子点火器 ✏️Applicable: Multi-purpose electronic igniter ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 6.5cm*2.8cm*11.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1支 & 0.06kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- & 10g+-之间,...
RM 6.50
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Home page 其它 其它神料
✏️特点: 防风打火机, 充气直冲火, 气体焊枪喷枪 ✏️Features: Windproof lighter, inflatable direct fire, gas torch spray gun ✏️适用: 多用途电子点火器 ✏️Applicable: Multi-purpose electronic igniter ✏️尺寸 Size:...
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RM 58.80
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✏️特点: 高档刺绣, 能兆祥瑞又增添喜气, 寓意吉利✏️Features: High-grade embroidery can auspiciousness and add joy, implying auspiciousness ✏️适用: 挂在门口✏️Applicable: Hanging on the door ✏️尺寸 Size: 3尺 ➯ 91.5cm* 62cm 6尺 ➯ 175cm *69.5cm 8尺 ➯ 235cm *66cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  3尺 ➯ 1幅 & 0.14kg 6尺 ➯ 1幅 & 0.42kg 8尺 ➯ 1幅...
RM 58.80
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Home page 其它 其它神料 金花/红布
✏️特点: 高档刺绣, 能兆祥瑞又增添喜气, 寓意吉利✏️Features: High-grade embroidery can auspiciousness and add joy, implying auspiciousness ✏️适用: 挂在门口✏️Applicable: Hanging on the door ✏️尺寸 Size: 3尺 ➯ 91.5cm* 62cm...
JOSS STICK (箱) 48x12.5 红脚香
RM 183.60
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JOSS STICK (箱) 48x12.5 红脚香
✏️特点: 经济实惠, 品牌保证✏️Features: Affordable, Brand Guarantee ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜拿督公的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping Datuk ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: ➯ 48cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯ 1箱(1000支+-) & 22.57kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差,...
RM 183.60
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Home page 拜神香 贡香/长寿香
✏️特点: 经济实惠, 品牌保证✏️Features: Affordable, Brand Guarantee ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜拿督公的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping Datuk ✏️总长 Total Length...
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JOSS STICK (箱)38cm 黑色素香(30kg) (小香)
RM 266.00
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JOSS STICK (箱)38cm 黑色素香(30kg) (小香)
✏️特点: 香细烟少灰, 无化学添加✏️Features: Fragrant fine cigarettes have less ash, no chemical additions ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜拿督公的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping Datuk ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: ➯ 38cm*10cm & 0.13cm*26cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  ➯...
RM 266.00
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Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 香细烟少灰, 无化学添加✏️Features: Fragrant fine cigarettes have less ash, no chemical additions ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜拿督公的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha,...
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JOSS STICK (箱)38cm 绿色素香(30kg) (小香)
RM 266.00
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JOSS STICK (箱)38cm 绿色素香(30kg) (小香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 绝无化学物质。少烟, 健康环保, 居家首选, 您值得拥有的一款清新提神的供香✏️Features: Handcrafted with absolutely no chemicals. Less smoking, healthy and environmentally friendly, the first choice at home, a fresh and refreshing fragrance you deserve ✏️适用: 拜大二爷伯/白事专用✏️Applicable: Worship the second uncle/Bai Shi ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: ➯...
RM 266.00
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Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 手工制作, 绝无化学物质。少烟, 健康环保, 居家首选, 您值得拥有的一款清新提神的供香✏️Features: Handcrafted with absolutely no chemicals. Less smoking, healthy and environmentally friendly, the first choice at home, a fresh and...
RM 128.00
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✏️特点: 棺材, 因其谐音“升官发财”, 寓意极好, 不仅在港澳台、东南亚等地区广受欢迎, 近年在国内也受到追捧, 渐成热销之势。皆因其内藏着“幸运”、带着“财气”: 棺——官也; 材——财也, 官财, 有“加官进爵, 升官发财”的寓意, 送领导寓意“高升” ✏️Features: Coffins, because of their homophonic pronunciation of "promotion and fortune", have a very good meaning. They are not only popular in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other regions, but also in...
RM 128.00
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Home page 八卦 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 棺材, 因其谐音“升官发财”, 寓意极好, 不仅在港澳台、东南亚等地区广受欢迎, 近年在国内也受到追捧, 渐成热销之势。皆因其内藏着“幸运”、带着“财气”: 棺——官也; 材——财也, 官财, 有“加官进爵, 升官发财”的寓意, 送领导寓意“高升” ✏️Features: Coffins, because of their homophonic pronunciation of "promotion and fortune", have a very good meaning....
RM 46.80
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✏️特点: 棺材, 因其谐音“升官发财”, 寓意极好, 不仅在港澳台、东南亚等地区广受欢迎, 近年在国内也受到追捧, 渐成热销之势。皆因其内藏着“幸运”、带着“财气”: 棺——官也; 材——财也, 官财, 有“加官进爵, 升官发财”的寓意, 送领导寓意“高升” ✏️Features: Coffins, because of their homophonic pronunciation of "promotion and fortune", have a very good meaning. They are not only popular in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other regions, but also in...
RM 46.80
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Home page 八卦 金身/佛具
✏️特点: 棺材, 因其谐音“升官发财”, 寓意极好, 不仅在港澳台、东南亚等地区广受欢迎, 近年在国内也受到追捧, 渐成热销之势。皆因其内藏着“幸运”、带着“财气”: 棺——官也; 材——财也, 官财, 有“加官进爵, 升官发财”的寓意, 送领导寓意“高升” ✏️Features: Coffins, because of their homophonic pronunciation of "promotion and fortune", have a very good meaning....
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