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ACCESSORIES E164 雅贵苹果数码系列套装 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有7种产品(平板*1, 手机*2, 蓝牙音箱*1, 无线充电宝*1, 手表*1, 无线蓝牙耳机*1, 充电器) ✏️Features: There are 7 products in a set (tablet*1, mobile phone*2, Bluetooth speaker*1, wireless power bank*1, watch*1, wireless Bluetooth headset*1, charger) ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸...
RM 19.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有7种产品(平板*1, 手机*2, 蓝牙音箱*1, 无线充电宝*1, 手表*1, 无线蓝牙耳机*1, 充电器) ✏️Features: There are 7 products in a set (tablet*1, mobile phone*2, Bluetooth speaker*1, wireless...
CIGARETTE TL-388 高级冥府香烟 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有香烟, 打火机, 烟灰缸 ✏️Features: Set with cigarette, lighter, ashtray ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 22cm*20.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1盒 & 0.09kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量, 难免有少许误差, 具体以实物為标准, 但误差会在1cm+- &...
RM 7.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有香烟, 打火机, 烟灰缸 ✏️Features: Set with cigarette, lighter, ashtray ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size:...
JOSS PAPER D264F 雅致女化妆品 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有9种产品(吹风筒*1, 梳子*1, 香水*1, 洗发水*1, 洗面奶*1, 精华乳*1, 护发精华*1, 护发素*1, 化妆品*1) ✏️Features: There are 9 kinds of products in a set (Hair dryer*1, comb*1, perfume*1, shampoo*1, facial cleanser*1, essence milk*1, hair conditioner*1, conditioner*1, cosmetics*1) ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节 ✏️Applicable: Worship to...
RM 15.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有9种产品(吹风筒*1, 梳子*1, 香水*1, 洗发水*1, 洗面奶*1, 精华乳*1, 护发精华*1, 护发素*1, 化妆品*1) ✏️Features: There are 9 kinds of products in a set (Hair dryer*1,...
JOSS PAPER D264M 雅致男化妆品 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有9种产品(吹风筒*1, 梳子*1, 香水*1, 洗发水*1, 洗面奶*1, 精华乳*1, 润肤霜*1, 面霜*1, 肥皂*1) ✏️Features: There are 9 kinds of products in a set (Hair dryer*1, comb*1, perfume*1, shampoo*1, facial cleanser*1, essence*1, moisturizer*1, facial cream*1, soap*1) ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节 ✏️Applicable: Worship to ancestors,...
RM 15.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有9种产品(吹风筒*1, 梳子*1, 香水*1, 洗发水*1, 洗面奶*1, 精华乳*1, 润肤霜*1, 面霜*1, 肥皂*1) ✏️Features: There are 9 kinds of products in a set (Hair dryer*1,...
JOSS PAPER 药品 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有11种产品(正骨水*1, 驱风油*1, 片仔广*1, 云南白药*1, 活络油*1, 油软膏*1, 药膏*1, 保济丸*1, 头痛丸*1, 风湿胶布*1, 止咳药水*1) ✏️Features: There are 11 kinds of products in a set(Bone-setting Water*1, Exfoliating Oil*1, Pien Tze Guang*1, Yunnan Baiyao*1, Huoluo Oil*1, Oil Ointment*1, Ointment*1, Bao Chai Pill*1 , Headache...
RM 5.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有11种产品(正骨水*1, 驱风油*1, 片仔广*1, 云南白药*1, 活络油*1, 油软膏*1, 药膏*1, 保济丸*1, 头痛丸*1, 风湿胶布*1, 止咳药水*1) ✏️Features: There are 11 kinds of products in a set(Bone-setting...
JOSS PAPER 华贵海棠粉化妆品 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一套有6种产品(胭脂*1, 海棠粉*2, 洗发水*1粉庄*1, 花露水*1, 雪花膏*1) ✏️Features: There are 6 kinds of products in a set (Rouge*1, Begonia powder*2, Shampoo*1 Fenzhuang*1, Toilet lotion*1, Vanishing cream*1) ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 26.5cm*19cm ✏️数量 Quantity...
RM 5.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一套有6种产品(胭脂*1, 海棠粉*2, 洗发水*1粉庄*1, 花露水*1, 雪花膏*1) ✏️Features: There are 6 kinds of products in a set (Rouge*1, Begonia powder*2, Shampoo*1 Fenzhuang*1, Toilet...
JOSS PAPER G916F 精品A级 女首饰盒 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 款式精美时尚, 高贵大方 ✏️Features: Exquisite and fashionable style, noble and generous ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 28cm*22cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1盒 & 0.10kg 🆘*随机发货, 如需换款式/颜色, 请私信我们或者在结单前留言哦😊(❗️存货有限❗️📦)🆘* Random delivery, if you need to...
RM 8.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 款式精美时尚, 高贵大方 ✏️Features: Exquisite and fashionable style, noble and generous ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯...
JOSS PAPER G916M 精品A级 男首饰盒 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 款式精美时尚, 高贵大方 ✏️Features: Exquisite and fashionable style, noble and generous ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 28cm*22cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1盒 & 0.10kg 🆘*随机发货, 如需换款式/颜色, 请私信我们或者在结单前留言哦😊(❗️存货有限❗️📦)🆘* Random delivery, if you need to change...
RM 8.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 款式精美时尚, 高贵大方 ✏️Features: Exquisite and fashionable style, noble and generous ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 好兄弟, 往生者 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, good brothers, deceased ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 28cm*22cm...
JOSS PAPER (平)C36 往生衣 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 纸质良好, 不易破✏️Features: Good paper quality, not easy to break ✏️适用: 拜祖先或者好兄弟(不分男女), 往生者, 超度亡灵, 婴灵, 冤亲债主债主✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors or good brothers (regardless of gender) ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 27cm*38cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1包(5件) & 0.13kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量,...
RM 9.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 纸质良好, 不易破✏️Features: Good paper quality, not easy to break ✏️适用: 拜祖先或者好兄弟(不分男女), 往生者, 超度亡灵, 婴灵, 冤亲债主债主✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors or good brothers (regardless...
JOSS PAPER (平)C16 高级男衣 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 衣服, 褲子和领带是一套的。代表送布疋给阴人用✏️Features: A set of clothes, pants and tie. On behalf of sending cloth to yin people ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节✏️Applicable: Worship to ancestors, good brothers, July festival ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 29cm*38cm衣服没打开 64.5cm*71cm(衣)/47cm*68.5cm(裤) ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1套 & 0.13kg 🆘*随机发货,...
RM 6.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 衣服, 褲子和领带是一套的。代表送布疋给阴人用✏️Features: A set of clothes, pants and tie. On behalf of sending cloth to yin people ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节✏️Applicable: Worship to ancestors,...
JOSS PAPER (正)圆开路钱 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱又称开钱/过路钱, 在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 用于开路。在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣紙一起使用✏️Features: It is easy to burn. Stream money is also known as opening money/passing money. It has a lower status among all kinds of paper money. It is like small change used in the...
RM 6.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱又称开钱/过路钱, 在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 用于开路。在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣紙一起使用✏️Features: It is easy to burn. Stream money is also known as opening money/passing money. It...
JOSS PAPER 花雨伞 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 易烧, 质量好, 包装漂亮✏️Features: Easy to burn, good quality, beautiful packaging ✏️适用: 各种祖先, 往生者, 清明祭✏️Applicable: Various ancestors, deceased, Qingming worship ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 46cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.03kg 🆘*随机发货, 如需换款式/颜色, 请私信我们或者在结单前留言哦😊(❗️存货有限❗️📦)🆘* Random delivery, if you need...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 易烧, 质量好, 包装漂亮✏️Features: Easy to burn, good quality, beautiful packaging ✏️适用: 各种祖先, 往生者, 清明祭✏️Applicable: Various ancestors, deceased, Qingming worship ✏️尺寸 Size:...
JOSS PAPER (郑)九品福衣 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 一包里有七件福衣, 两对福鞋✏️Features: There are seven blessed clothes and two pairs of blessed shoes in a bag✏️适用: 名族扫墓, 清明拜祖先, 法会, 七月普渡, 拜好兄弟, 拜婴灵✏️Applicable: Tomb-sweeping of famous clan, ancestors in Qingming, public meeting, Pudu in July, good brothers, worshiping infant spirits...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 一包里有七件福衣, 两对福鞋✏️Features: There are seven blessed clothes and two pairs of blessed shoes in a bag✏️适用: 名族扫墓, 清明拜祖先, 法会, 七月普渡, 拜好兄弟,...
JOSS PAPER A8200 精装往生神咒 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 可折成各类祭品如元宝, 莲花, 衣服等。祈求祖先保护家族, 民间也相传供奉往生钱能使往生者在黄泉路上顺利安走, 不被鬼差刁难。祭拜后使家族平安顺利, 往生者享有冥福 ✏️Features: Can be folded into various offerings such as ingots, lotus flowers, clothes, etc. Pray for ancestors to protect the family. It is also said that enshrining money for the departed will enable the...
RM 8.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 可折成各类祭品如元宝, 莲花, 衣服等。祈求祖先保护家族, 民间也相传供奉往生钱能使往生者在黄泉路上顺利安走, 不被鬼差刁难。祭拜后使家族平安顺利, 往生者享有冥福 ✏️Features: Can be folded into various offerings such as ingots, lotus flowers, clothes, etc. Pray for...
JOSS PAPER 本地【大/小】潮州箱 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 容易打开, 设计精美, 高品质。每個箱子包括路票和封条 ✏️Features: Easy to open, nice design and high quality. Road tickets and seals are included in each box ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 放置祭品在内一起化给祖先 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, place offerings and make them together for ancestors ✏️尺寸 Size : 大 ➯ 56cm*38cm*37cm 小...
RM 10.20
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 容易打开, 设计精美, 高品质。每個箱子包括路票和封条 ✏️Features: Easy to open, nice design and high quality. Road tickets and seals are included in each box ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先,...
JOSS CANDLE (散)花六白烛(1对) (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 无黑烟, 不滴蜡(在插稳和无风的情況下)纯蜡制造, 环保干净, 无添加有害化学物✏️Features: No black smoke, no dripping of wax (under the condition of stable insertion and no wind) made of pure wax, environmentally friendly and clean, no harmful chemicals added ✏️适用: 初一十五神诞, 以及清明节和农历七月等等。拜祭任何大神小神, 祖先, 路边, 好兄弟, 拿督公...
RM 0.80
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✏️特点: 无黑烟, 不滴蜡(在插稳和无风的情況下)纯蜡制造, 环保干净, 无添加有害化学物✏️Features: No black smoke, no dripping of wax (under the condition of stable insertion and no wind) made...
JOSS PAPER 中外贵人符 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 当感觉到有小人来犯/小人缠身或感觉无助/诸事不顺的时候, 希望有贵人相助时, 出门谈生意, 每天开门营业的时候, 都可以焚化。可向各大神明朝拜后, 才焚化于化宝炉, 又或者朝天焚化, 说出善信祈求的心愿即可 ✏️Features: When you feel that there are villains coming and being surrounded by villains, or feel helpless, when things are not going well, I hope you can go out to discuss...
RM 9.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 当感觉到有小人来犯/小人缠身或感觉无助/诸事不顺的时候, 希望有贵人相助时, 出门谈生意, 每天开门营业的时候, 都可以焚化。可向各大神明朝拜后, 才焚化于化宝炉, 又或者朝天焚化, 说出善信祈求的心愿即可 ✏️Features: When you feel that there are villains coming and being surrounded by...
JOSS CANDLE 本地7天斗烛(有字) (蜡烛)
✏️特点: 纯蜡制造, 无添加化学物, 无烟无味, 不留蜡, 防风, 环保干净✏️Features: Made of pure wax, no added chemicals, smokeless, odorless, no leakage of wax, windproof, environmentally friendly and clean ✏️适用: 祖先, 传统婚礼会燃烧红烛, 以示喜庆✏️Application: Ancestors, traditional weddings will burn red candles to show celebration ✏️总长 Total Length &...
RM 36.80
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✏️特点: 纯蜡制造, 无添加化学物, 无烟无味, 不留蜡, 防风, 环保干净✏️Features: Made of pure wax, no added chemicals, smokeless, odorless, no leakage of wax, windproof, environmentally friendly and...
JOSS PAPER 阴帅贵人符 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 阴帅贵人来相助, 小人不再身边游, 兴家旺宅保安康。平时觉得小人缠身, 诸事不顺, 想要无时无刻获得八方贵人的相助, 都可以焚化阴帅贵人符在化宝炉, 屋前屋后或路边即可 ✏️Features: The handsome and elegant people come to help, the villain no longer swims around, and the family is prosperous and safe. I usually feel entangled in villains and things are not...
RM 9.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 阴帅贵人来相助, 小人不再身边游, 兴家旺宅保安康。平时觉得小人缠身, 诸事不顺, 想要无时无刻获得八方贵人的相助, 都可以焚化阴帅贵人符在化宝炉, 屋前屋后或路边即可 ✏️Features: The handsome and elegant people come to help, the villain no longer swims...
JOSS PAPER 888 拜大二爷 (套装)
✏️特点: 有足够的拜神料(往生钱, 橙库, 衣服, 各类金纸, 币纸, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时。只需一包即可完成祭拜【祈求】: 出入平安/身体安康/增添财富/小人远离/官非不缠身/事业兴隆✏️Features: Has enough materials for worship (Money from the past, orange treasury, clothes, all kinds of gold paper, currency paper, all kinds of god-worship materials, etc.), which is convenient and time-saving. Just complete...
RM 23.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 有足够的拜神料(往生钱, 橙库, 衣服, 各类金纸, 币纸, 各种拜神料等等)方便省时。只需一包即可完成祭拜【祈求】: 出入平安/身体安康/增添财富/小人远离/官非不缠身/事业兴隆✏️Features: Has enough materials for worship (Money from the past, orange treasury, clothes, all kinds...