JOSS STICK 6尺 吉祥立体龙 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the god of wealth ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 6尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 15.00kg ⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差,...
RM 358.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the...
JOSS STICK 6尺 反光七彩龙 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the god of wealth ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 6尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 15.00kg ⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差,...
RM 358.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the...
JOSS STICK 3尺 吉祥立体龙 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the god of wealth ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 7.30kg ⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差, 尺寸仅供参考⚠️...
RM 238.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the...
JOSS STICK 3尺 聚宝水晶龙 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the god of wealth ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 7.30kg ⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差, 尺寸仅供参考⚠️...
RM 268.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the...
JOSS STICK 3尺 反光七彩龙 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来 ✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods, the god of wealth ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 7.30kg ⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差,...
RM 238.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 手工制作, 立体龙香, 环保龙香。点燃龙香财运滚滚来 ✏️Features: Hand-made, 3D dragon incense, environmentally friendly dragon incense. Ignite the dragon incense✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明, 财神✏️Applicable: Worship various gods,...
JOSS STICK 【27.5cm/32.5cm】 柚叶香(800gm) (小香)
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。微烟, 微灰, 不烫手, 好燃点。驱邪, 主要用来祈福, 开运, 转运, 避邪, 除秽, 消毒, 人在不順或覺得倒霉的情況下和需要運氣的情況下用✏️Features: Refreshing and refreshing, removing filthiness, relaxing mood, soothing irritability, and purifying the air. Light smoke, light ash, not hot, easy to burn. Exorcise evil, mainly...
RM 15.80
Home page
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。微烟, 微灰, 不烫手, 好燃点。驱邪, 主要用来祈福, 开运, 转运, 避邪, 除秽, 消毒, 人在不順或覺得倒霉的情況下和需要運氣的情況下用✏️Features: Refreshing and refreshing, removing filthiness, relaxing...
JOSS STICK 160cm 金龙烫金七彩闪光 (大香)
✏️特点: 手工精致敬佛礼佛, 福慧双修之特定佳品✏️Features: Exquisite handwork to worship the Buddha, the special good product of double cultivation of blessing and wisdom✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明, 菩萨, 接财神, 开年✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all the gods, bodhisattvas, pick up the god of wealth, the New Year ✏️尺寸...
RM 148.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
✏️特点: 手工精致敬佛礼佛, 福慧双修之特定佳品✏️Features: Exquisite handwork to worship the Buddha, the special good product of double cultivation of blessing and wisdom✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明, 菩萨,...
JOSS STICK 180cm 金龙烫金七彩闪光 (大香)
✏️特点: 手工精致敬佛礼佛, 福慧双修之特定佳品✏️Features: Exquisite handwork to worship the Buddha, the special good product of double cultivation of blessing and wisdom ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明, 菩萨, 接财神, 开年✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all the gods, bodhisattvas, pick up the god of wealth, the New Year...
RM 178.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
✏️特点: 手工精致敬佛礼佛, 福慧双修之特定佳品✏️Features: Exquisite handwork to worship the Buddha, the special good product of double cultivation of blessing and wisdom ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明,...
JOSS STICK 180cm 全金风水尺龙香 (大香)
✏️特点: 烫金龙身, 非常方便, 易点燃。祈求新的一年步步高升, 合家安康, 生意兴隆✏️Features: The bronzing dragon body is very convenient and easy to ignite. Pray that the new year will rise up and down, the family will be well and the business will be prosperous ✏️适用: 适于用在年三十晚、初八晚拜天宫或神庙大日子时点燃✏️Applicable: Suitable for lighting...
RM 298.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 烫金龙身, 非常方便, 易点燃。祈求新的一年步步高升, 合家安康, 生意兴隆✏️Features: The bronzing dragon body is very convenient and easy to ignite. Pray that the new year will rise up...
JOSS STICK【4622/5618/6622/8030】红脚纯料贡香
✏️特点: 天然原料, 自然芬芳, 耐点微烟, 奉敬佳品, 存放越久越香醇✏️Features: Natural raw materials, natural fragrance, resistance to slight smoke, good product, the longer the storage, the more mellow ✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明✏️Applicable: Worship various gods ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 4622 ➯ 5618 ➯ 6622 ➯ ...
RM 2.80
Home page
✏️特点: 天然原料, 自然芬芳, 耐点微烟, 奉敬佳品, 存放越久越香醇✏️Features: Natural raw materials, natural fragrance, resistance to slight smoke, good product, the longer the storage, the more...
JOSS STICK (金)32.5cm 1.0竹野生特级沉香竹签香 (小香)
✏️特点: 天然沉香, 品质保证, 香气扑鼻, 香灰绝不会烫手✏️Features: Natural agarwood, quality assurance, tangy fragrance, incense ash will never burn your hands ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜祖先的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping ancestors ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: ➯ 32.5cm*0.27cm &...
RM 28.00
Home page
✏️特点: 天然沉香, 品质保证, 香气扑鼻, 香灰绝不会烫手✏️Features: Natural agarwood, quality assurance, tangy fragrance, incense ash will never burn your hands ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜祖先的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best...
JOSS STICK 53寸 风水尺大伯公发财香 (大香)
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀大伯爷✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to the uncle✏️尺寸 Size:➯ 53寸✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 18.00kg⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差, 尺寸仅供参考。⚠️⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 &...
RM 378.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用:...
JOSS STICK 53寸 风水尺拿督公发财香 (大香)
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀拿督公✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to Datuk✏️尺寸 Size:➯ 53寸✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 18.00kg⚠️产品是根据风水尺测量, 可能存在些许误差, 尺寸仅供参考。⚠️⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量,...
RM 378.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀拿督公✏️Applicable:...
JOSS STICK【38寸/53寸/68寸】风水尺大二伯爷发财香 (大香)
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀大二伯爷✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to the second uncle✏️尺寸 Size:38寸 ➯ 38寸53寸 ➯ 53寸68寸 ➯ 68寸✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 38寸 ➯...
RM 218.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀大二伯爷✏️Applicable:...
JOSS STICK【53寸/68寸】风水尺财神爷发财香 (大香)
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明, 财神, 地主。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods, gods of wealth, and landlords. It can be used during the...
RM 408.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 传统工艺和先进技术精制而成, 风水尺寸, 立体图案, 香灰净白✏️Features: Refined with traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology, Feng Shui size, 3D pattern, fragrant gray and white✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明,...
JOSS STICK 3尺半 小财香 红身金字B (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求鸿运当头, 有求必应, 财源滚滚来✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for good fortune, respond to all requests, and make money roll in✏️适用: 祭拜各个大神✏️Applicable: Worship all gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺½ ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) &...
RM 58.80
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求鸿运当头, 有求必应, 财源滚滚来✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for good fortune, respond to all requests, and make...
JOSS STICK 3尺半 小财香 红身红字A (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求鸿运当头, 有求必应, 财源滚滚来✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for good fortune, respond to all requests, and make money roll in✏️适用: 祭拜各个大神✏️Applicable: Worship all gods ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺½ ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) &...
RM 81.80
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求鸿运当头, 有求必应, 财源滚滚来✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for good fortune, respond to all requests, and make...
JOSS STICK 3尺半 大二爷伯财香 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求有求必应, 招财进宝, 生意兴隆, 大吉大利✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for all requests to be answered, to attract wealth and treasures, business is prosperous, and prosperous✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷✏️Applicable: Honoring the sophomore uncle ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺½ ✏️数量...
RM 98.80
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 独创环保香, 手工制做。祈求有求必应, 招财进宝, 生意兴隆, 大吉大利✏️Features: Original environmental protection incense, made by hand. Pray for all requests to be answered, to attract...
JOSS STICK 3尺 立体大二爷伯香 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 立体字, 环保龙香, 手工制作。祈求合家平安, 招财进宝✏️Features: 3D characters, environmentally friendly dragon incense, handmade. Pray for family safety and fortune and treasure✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷✏️Applicable: Honoring the sophomore uncle ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 3尺 ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1副(3支) & 5.80kg ✏️燃烧时长 Burning...
RM 167.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 立体字, 环保龙香, 手工制作。祈求合家平安, 招财进宝✏️Features: 3D characters, environmentally friendly dragon incense, handmade. Pray for family safety and fortune and treasure✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷✏️Applicable: Honoring...
JOSS STICK 8尺 大二伯爷香 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 限量版, 全手工制, 立体图案。祈求招财进宝, 牛头马面, 招来有求必应, 合家平安✏️Features: Limited edition, all hand-made, three-dimensional pattern. Pray for riches and treasures, bull head horse noodles, inviting responsive to requests, and family safety✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷✏️Applicable: Honoring the sophomore uncle ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 8尺 ✏️数量 Quantity...
RM 788.00
Home page
Joss Stick (大香)
龙香 - 寻找批发价欢迎找 019 6278 966
✏️特点: 限量版, 全手工制, 立体图案。祈求招财进宝, 牛头马面, 招来有求必应, 合家平安✏️Features: Limited edition, all hand-made, three-dimensional pattern. Pray for riches and treasures, bull head horse noodles,...