JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm/42cm/52cm/60cm/80cm】...
RM 3.80
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JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm/42cm/52cm/60cm/80cm】 红色烫金中元宝 (大香, 龙香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish the financial treasury, and seek business prosperity ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祖先。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用, 即使是清明节都可以用来敬祖✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods, bodhisattvas, and ancestors. It...
RM 3.80
Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香 香 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish...
JOSS STICK (金)【32cm/38cm】不烫手发财檀味香(1kg) (小香)
RM 15.80
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JOSS STICK (金)【32cm/38cm】不烫手发财檀味香(1kg) (小香)
✏️特点: 微烟, 环保, 不烫手, 使用健康✏️Features: Less smoke, environmental protection, not hot, healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 32cm ➯ 32cm*0.27cm & 20.5cm 38cm ➯ 38cm*0.27cm & 27.2cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  32cm ➯ 1包 & 1.0kg 38cm ➯...
RM 15.80
Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 微烟, 环保, 不烫手, 使用健康✏️Features: Less smoke, environmental protection, not hot, healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods ✏️总长 Total Length...
JOSS STICK【28cm/33cm/38cm】9928老山纯檀香幼支 (小香)
RM 22.80
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JOSS STICK【28cm/33cm/38cm】9928老山纯檀香幼支 (小香)
✏️特点: 传统工艺, 少烟, 环保, 干净, 有助安静凝神、怡情养性的作用也有着杀菌防疫的功效✏️Features: Traditional craftsmanship, less smoke, environmentally friendly, clean, can help calm and condense, and has the effect of bactericidal and epidemic prevention ✏️适用: 灵修, 敬神佛, 拜祖先的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and...
RM 22.80
Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 传统工艺, 少烟, 环保, 干净, 有助安静凝神、怡情养性的作用也有着杀菌防疫的功效✏️Features: Traditional craftsmanship, less smoke, environmentally friendly, clean, can help calm and condense, and has the effect...
INCENSE COIL【1小时/3小时/4小时】老山檀盘香
RM 12.80
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INCENSE COIL【1小时/3小时/4小时】老山檀盘香
✏️特点: 天然檀香木, 香气优雅, 安神静心, 舒缓精神和净化空气✏️Features: Natural sandalwood, elegant aroma, soothe the mind, soothe the spirit and purify the air ✏️适用: 敬佛礼神✏️Applicable: Worship Buddha ✏️尺寸 Size: 1小时 ➯ 13.5cm*4.5cm 3小时 ➯ 6.5cm*8cm 4小时 ➯ 8.5cm*8.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 1小时 ➯ 1盒(72片) & 0.09kg 3小时 ➯ 1盒(60片) & 0.14kg...
RM 12.80
Home page 塔香 拜神香
✏️特点: 天然檀香木, 香气优雅, 安神静心, 舒缓精神和净化空气✏️Features: Natural sandalwood, elegant aroma, soothe the mind, soothe the spirit and purify the air ✏️适用: 敬佛礼神✏️Applicable: Worship Buddha ✏️尺寸...
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JOSS STICK【4小时 /6小时/8小时/12小时】旺来龟纹小时香 (大香)
RM 15.80
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JOSS STICK【4小时 /6小时/8小时/12小时】旺来龟纹小时香 (大香)
✏️特点: 好品质, 环保, 微烟, 干净。祈求招财, 聚财✏️Features: Good quality, environmental protection, less smoke, and clean. Pray for fortune, gather fortune ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祖先。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用, 即使是清明节都可以用来敬祖✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods, bodhisattvas, and ancestors. It can be used during the festive season, the...
RM 15.80
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Home page 小时香 拜神香
✏️特点: 好品质, 环保, 微烟, 干净。祈求招财, 聚财✏️Features: Good quality, environmental protection, less smoke, and clean. Pray for fortune, gather fortune ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祖先。每逢佳节,...
INCENSE COIL 24小时【台湾/雪梨】老山正檀塔香皇 (檀香)
RM 19.80
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INCENSE COIL 24小时【台湾/雪梨】老山正檀塔香皇 (檀香)
✏️特点: 由木粉、树皮黏粉、纯植物精油特制而成, 天然植物, 其香气幽雅、可净化空气、杀菌除邪、是特点佳品, 轻轻捏开, 不易折断✏️Features: Specially made from wood powder, bark sticky powder, and pure plant essential oils. Natural plants, with elegant aroma, can purify the air, sterilize and eliminate evil, are excellent products, gently squeeze them, and are...
RM 19.80
Home page 塔香 拜神香
✏️特点: 由木粉、树皮黏粉、纯植物精油特制而成, 天然植物, 其香气幽雅、可净化空气、杀菌除邪、是特点佳品, 轻轻捏开, 不易折断✏️Features: Specially made from wood powder, bark sticky powder, and pure plant essential oils. Natural plants, with...
JOSS STICK 【42cm/52cm】 拿督公香 (大香)
RM 6.50
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JOSS STICK 【42cm/52cm】 拿督公香 (大香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。祈求出入平安, 财源广进✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Pray for safe entry and exit, and prosperity ✏️适用: 祭祀拿督公✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to Datuk ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 42cm ➯ 42cm*1.7cm & 29cm 52cm ➯ 52cm*1.73cm & 34.5cm...
RM 6.50
Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。祈求出入平安, 财源广进✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Pray for safe entry and exit,...
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JOSS STICK 2828 【33cm/39cm】 五彩金香
RM 2.60
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JOSS STICK 2828 【33cm/39cm】 五彩金香
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。微烟, 微灰, 不烫手, 好燃点。招财吉祥话贡着神, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Refreshing, refreshing, removing dirty air, relaxing mood, soothing irritability, and purifying the air. Light smoke, light ash, not hot, easy to burn. Lucky words are tribute to the gods, but...
RM 2.60
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Home page 拜神香 闪光金香
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。微烟, 微灰, 不烫手, 好燃点。招财吉祥话贡着神, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Refreshing, refreshing, removing dirty air, relaxing mood, soothing irritability, and purifying...
JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm】 五色地主香 (大香)
RM 5.80
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JOSS STICK 【29cm/36cm】 五色地主香 (大香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀地主✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to the landlord ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 29cm ➯ 29cm*8cm & 20cm 36cm ➯ 36cm*8cm & 24cm ✏️数量 Quantity...
RM 5.80
Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use ✏️适用: 祭祀地主✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to the landlord...
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JOSS STICK (金)【32.5cm/39.5cm】天然沉香竹签香 (小香)
RM 19.80
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JOSS STICK (金)【32.5cm/39.5cm】天然沉香竹签香 (小香)
✏️特点: 天然原料, 不添加任何化学香精剂, 环保香, 不烫手, 微烟✏️Features: Natural raw materials, do not add any chemical flavors, environmentally friendly fragrance, not hot, slightly smoke ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜祖先的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping ancestors ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick...
RM 19.80
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Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 天然原料, 不添加任何化学香精剂, 环保香, 不烫手, 微烟✏️Features: Natural raw materials, do not add any chemical flavors, environmentally friendly fragrance, not hot, slightly smoke...
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JOSS STICK 60cm 红金升级有钱花 (大香)
RM 5.80
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JOSS STICK 60cm 红金升级有钱花 (大香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。有求必应, 吉祥如意, 生意兴隆, 合家平安✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Responsive, good luck, business is prosperous, family is safe ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用✏️Applicable: Worship all gods and bodhisattvas. It can be used during the festive season, the...
RM 5.80
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Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。有求必应, 吉祥如意, 生意兴隆, 合家平安✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Responsive, good luck, business is prosperous, family is...
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INCENSE COIL 2小时【薰衣草/金桂/台湾沉香/柚叶/荷花/茉莉/金山檀】...
RM 8.00
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INCENSE COIL 2小时【薰衣草/金桂/台湾沉香/柚叶/荷花/茉莉/金山檀】盘香(大自然) (檀香)
✏️特点: 本香选用的天然植物原料精工制作, 香味独特, 特具有提神, 醒脑, 杀菌, 净化空气之功效, 亦是敬香礼佛之佳品✏️Features: This incense is made of natural plant raw materials. It has a unique fragrance and has the effects of refreshing, refreshing, sterilizing, and purifying the air. It is also a good product for...
RM 8.00
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Home page 塔香 拜神香
✏️特点: 本香选用的天然植物原料精工制作, 香味独特, 特具有提神, 醒脑, 杀菌, 净化空气之功效, 亦是敬香礼佛之佳品✏️Features: This incense is made of natural plant raw materials. It has a unique fragrance and...
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JOSS STICK 30cm 菩提【茉莉/薰衣草/柚叶】长寿香
RM 23.80
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JOSS STICK 30cm 菩提【茉莉/薰衣草/柚叶】长寿香
✏️特点: 此产品採用的香料均通过IFRA 安全认证, 在正常情况使用, 不会对健康产生危害✏️Features: Product mixed with fragrances certified by IFRA (International Fragrance Association), unlikely health hazard under normal use ✏️适用: 拜大神, 祖先✏️Applicable: Worship the great god, ancestors ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 茉莉 ➯ 30cm*0.8cm & 21cm...
RM 23.80
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Home page 拜神香 贡香/长寿香
✏️特点: 此产品採用的香料均通过IFRA 安全认证, 在正常情况使用, 不会对健康产生危害✏️Features: Product mixed with fragrances certified by IFRA (International Fragrance Association), unlikely health hazard under normal use ✏️适用:...
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JOSS STICK【36cm/46cm】金刚香
RM 8.80
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JOSS STICK【36cm/46cm】金刚香
✏️特点: 少烟, 安全环保, 品质优良 ✏️Features: Less smoke, safe and environmentally, high quality ✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明 ✏️Applicable: Worship various gods ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 36cm ➯ 36cm*1.1cm & 23cm 46cm ➯ 46cm*1.1cm & 32cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight :  36cm ➯ 1包(24支) & 0.39kg 46cm ➯ 1包(24支) & 0.53kg...
RM 8.80
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Home page 拜神香 贡香/长寿香
✏️特点: 少烟, 安全环保, 品质优良 ✏️Features: Less smoke, safe and environmentally, high quality ✏️适用: 祭拜各种神明 ✏️Applicable: Worship various gods ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick...
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JOSS STICK【30cm/36cm】五色烫金龙香 (大香)
RM 5.00
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JOSS STICK【30cm/36cm】五色烫金龙香 (大香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。祈求出入平安, 财源广进✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Pray for safe entry and exit, and prosperity ✏️适用: 祭祀地主公✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to Datuk ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: 30cm ➯ 30cm*1.24cm & 20cm...
RM 5.00
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Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。祈求出入平安, 财源广进✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Pray for safe entry and exit,...
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JOSS STICK (青字)【29cm/36cm】 红色烫金中元宝 (大香)
RM 4.80
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JOSS STICK (青字)【29cm/36cm】 红色烫金中元宝 (大香)
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish the financial treasury, and seek business prosperity ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祖先。每逢佳节, 初一或者十五都可以使用, 即使是清明节都可以用来敬祖✏️Applicable: Sacrifice to all gods, bodhisattvas, and ancestors. It...
RM 4.80
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Home page Joss Stick (大香) 拜神香
✏️特点: 采用优质木材制作, 无毒, 环保, 使用健康。求添财运, 补财库, 求生意兴旺✏️Features: Made of high-quality wood, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy to use. Seeking to increase wealth, replenish...
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JOSS STICK 【39.5cm/48.5cm】 闪光金香
RM 4.80
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JOSS STICK 【39.5cm/48.5cm】 闪光金香
✏️特点: 闪光金色, 微烟, 干净少灰, 不烫手。纯正天然, 味道清香, 环保耐用。招财吉話贡着神, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Glittering gold, slight smoke, clean and less ash, not hot. Pure and natural, fragrant, environmentally friendly and durable. Lucky words are tribute to the gods, but also for the host family’s wealth...
RM 4.80
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Home page 拜神香 闪光金香
✏️特点: 闪光金色, 微烟, 干净少灰, 不烫手。纯正天然, 味道清香, 环保耐用。招财吉話贡着神, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Glittering gold, slight smoke, clean and less ash, not hot. Pure and natural,...
JOSS STICK 揾大钱 拿督香(黄)(400gm) (小香)
RM 14.80
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JOSS STICK 揾大钱 拿督香(黄)(400gm) (小香)
✏️特点: 干净环保, 耐点微烟, 不烫手, 香细少烟, 不呛鼻✏️Features: Clean and environmentally friendly, resistant to slight smoke, not hot, fragrant and less smoke, not choking the nose ✏️适用: 拜拿督香专用✏️Applicable: Dedicated to Dato incense ✏️总长 Total Length & 香身 Stick Body: ➯ 39.5cm*0.25cm & 28.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity...
RM 14.80
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Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 干净环保, 耐点微烟, 不烫手, 香细少烟, 不呛鼻✏️Features: Clean and environmentally friendly, resistant to slight smoke, not hot, fragrant and less smoke, not choking...
JOSS STICK【28cm/32cm/38cm】9903乌沉香(900gm) (小香)
RM 43.80
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JOSS STICK【28cm/32cm/38cm】9903乌沉香(900gm) (小香)
✏️特点: 干净环保, 耐点微烟, 不烫手, 香细少烟, 不呛鼻✏️Features: Clean and environmentally friendly, resistant to slight smoke, not hot, fragrant and less smoke, not choking the nose ✏️适用: 灵修、敬神佛、拜祖先的最佳选择✏️Applicable: The best choice for spiritual practice, worshiping Buddha, and worshiping ancestors ✏️总长 Total Length...
RM 43.80
Home page 拜神香 清香
✏️特点: 干净环保, 耐点微烟, 不烫手, 香细少烟, 不呛鼻✏️Features: Clean and environmentally friendly, resistant to slight smoke, not hot, fragrant and less smoke, not choking...
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JOSS STICK【33cm/39cm】0.3 兴旺发金底彩金香
RM 2.80
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JOSS STICK【33cm/39cm】0.3 兴旺发金底彩金香
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。环保微烟, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Refreshing, removing filthiness, relaxing, soothing irritability, and purifying the air. Environmentally friendly micro-smoke, also for the host family’s wealth and safety, it can be used if the career is not going...
RM 2.80
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Home page 拜神香 闪光金香
✏️特点: 提神醒脑, 除穢气, 放松心情, 安抚烦躁, 净化空气。环保微烟, 也替主人家招财招平安, 事业不順, 不如意都可用✏️Features: Refreshing, removing filthiness, relaxing, soothing irritability, and purifying the air. Environmentally friendly micro-smoke,...
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