LUCKY GOODS 4”【翠玉/镀金】招财金蟾
✏️特点: 金蟾的寓意有招财进宝、镇宅、驱邪、旺财。 金蟾的形象丰满, 古语有云: “家有金蟾, 财运绵绵”。 金蟾不仅仅是可以招财, 回到古时候, 还有一种说法就是, 用"蟾宫折桂”来比喻考取进士, 传说中月宫住着三条腿的蟾蜍, 蟾宫即“月宫”, 于是, 又带上一层“锦绣前程”的意思了
✏️Features: The implication of the golden toad is to attract wealth and treasure, town house, exorcise evil spirits, and prosper wealth. The image of the golden toad is plump, and there is an old saying: "If there is a golden toad in a family, the fortune will be endless." Golden toad is not only good for attracting wealth. Back in ancient times, there is another saying that "toad palace wins laurel" is used as a metaphor to obtain Jinshi. It is said that there are three-legged toads living in the moon palace, and the toad palace is the "moon palace". Bring on the meaning of "bright future"
✏️适用: 家中、商场、店铺等场所
✏️Applicable: Home, shopping malls, shops and other places
镀金 ➯ 1个 & 0.62kg