✏️特点: 世间万物都具有灵性, 一般来说, 人的财库除了后天的努力还要先天的帮助, 也就是我们的神啦!古语有云:「天官賜福、地官赦罪、水官解厄」意思是三官有对世人、亡魂等赐予福分、赦免罪过、解除灾厄的权能。帮助招财, 补运, 补财库
✏️Features: All things in the world have spirituality. Generally speaking, in addition to acquired efforts, human treasures also need innate help, that is, our gods! There is an old saying: "Heaven's officials bestow blessings, earth officials forgive sins, and water officials relieve misfortunes", which means that the three officials have the power to bestow blessings, forgive sins, and relieve disasters on the world and dead souls. Help attract wealth, make up fortune, make up the treasury
✏️适用: 各种神明
✏️Applicable: All kinds of gods