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JOSS PAPER 环球8100开路钱(9cm) (冥纸)
RM 2.00
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JOSS PAPER 环球8100开路钱(9cm) (冥纸)
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱多为白色或米黃色, 呈长方形, 纸上有三个圆孔, 象征铜钱, 古人指一张溪钱代表三个古钱。溪钱在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣纸一起使用 ✏️Features: Easy to burn. Stream money is mostly white or beige, rectangular in shape. There are three round holes in the paper, which symbolize copper coins. The ancients said that one...
RM 2.00
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冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱多为白色或米黃色, 呈长方形, 纸上有三个圆孔, 象征铜钱, 古人指一张溪钱代表三个古钱。溪钱在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣纸一起使用 ✏️Features: Easy to burn. Stream money is mostly white or beige, rectangular in...
JOSS PAPER【2寸/4寸/5寸】本地大金 (金纸, 小金)
RM 24.80
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JOSS PAPER【2寸/4寸/5寸】本地大金 (金纸, 小金)
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil ✏️适用: 祭拜神明或祖先✏️Applicable: Worship to gods or ancestors ✏️尺寸 Size & 金大小 Gold Size: 2寸 ➯ 25.5cm*25cm & 4.3cm*3.5cm 4寸 ➯ 26cm*26.5cm & 9.9cm*9.2cm 5寸 ➯ 25.5cm*26cm & 11.9cm*10.5cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  2寸 ➯ 1叠(1000张) &...
RM 24.80
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide 金银纸
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil ✏️适用: 祭拜神明或祖先✏️Applicable: Worship to gods or ancestors ✏️尺寸 Size &...
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JOSS PAPER 中国 500万 三色银钱 (冥纸)
RM 3.80
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JOSS PAPER 中国 500万 三色银钱 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping ghosts and ancestors. It means money used by the deceased in the underworld ✏️适用: 祭祖, 法事, 清明节, 重阳节,...
RM 3.80
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping...
JOSS PAPER【6寸/7.5寸】 均安 (金纸, 小金)
RM 9.00
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JOSS PAPER【6寸/7.5寸】 均安 (金纸, 小金)
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。金银混合✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Gold and silver mix ✏️适用: 祭拜神明或祖先✏️Applicable: Worship to gods or ancestors ✏️尺寸 Size & 金银大小 Gold Silver Size: 6寸 ➯ 10.5cm*14.5cm & 7.9cm*3.7cm 7.5寸 ➯ 12cm*15.5cm & 9.6cm*7.9cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ...
RM 9.00
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide 金银纸
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。金银混合✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Gold and silver mix ✏️适用: 祭拜神明或祖先✏️Applicable: Worship to gods or...
JOSS PAPER【全金/彩色金】贵人 (贵人纸)
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER【全金/彩色金】贵人 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 各种神明 ✏️Applicable: All kinds...
RM 2.80
Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 贵人符 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽金貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...
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JOSS PAPER (华)大金条【(金)/(银)】
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER (华)大金条【(金)/(银)】
✏️特点: 色泽艳丽, 纯足金/银(999.9)✏️Features: Bright color, pure gold/silver(999.9) ✏️适用: 清明节, 中元节祭拜往生者, 祖先等等✏️Applicable: Tomb-sweeping festival, Mid-Year Festival worships deceased, ancestors, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: 大金条(金) ➯ 4.5cm*15cm 大金条(银) ➯ 4.5cm*15cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight:  大金条(金) ➯ 1包(8个) & 0.06kg 大金条(银) ➯ 1包(8个) & 0.06kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量, 还有数量,...
RM 2.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 色泽艳丽, 纯足金/银(999.9)✏️Features: Bright color, pure gold/silver(999.9) ✏️适用: 清明节, 中元节祭拜往生者, 祖先等等✏️Applicable: Tomb-sweeping festival, Mid-Year Festival worships deceased, ancestors, etc ✏️尺寸 Size: 大金条(金) ➯ 4.5cm*15cm...
JOSS PAPER 彩色大百解 (贵人纸)
RM 29.80
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JOSS PAPER 彩色大百解 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 彩色大百解, 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: The colorful solutions can not only pray for blessings, but also resolve evil disasters and ward off evil spirits. I have traveled to some places with heavy yin, such as funeral homes, cemeteries, etc., I can...
RM 29.80
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Home page 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 贵人符 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 彩色大百解, 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: The colorful solutions can not only pray for blessings, but also resolve evil disasters and ward off evil...
JOSS PAPER 本地双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
RM 2.80
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JOSS PAPER 本地双色伍佰万 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping ghosts and ancestors. It means money used by the deceased in the underworld ✏️适用: 祭祀祖先, 好兄弟, 陰神, 超渡,...
RM 2.80
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Mingbi, also known as Yinsi Paper and Mingcuo, is one of the sacrifices cremated when worshiping...
JOSS PAPER (隆)888168 一千万(厚庄) (冥纸)
RM 1.00
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JOSS PAPER (隆)888168 一千万(厚庄) (冥纸)
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是民间传统拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of the sacrificial offerings that are cremated in folk traditions when worshiping ghosts or ancestors. It means money for the deceased to...
RM 1.00
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是民间传统拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of the sacrificial offerings...
JOSS PAPER 本地单色伍佰万 (冥纸)
RM 2.50
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JOSS PAPER 本地单色伍佰万 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是民间传统拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of the sacrificial offerings that are cremated in folk traditions when worshiping ghosts or ancestors. It means money for the deceased...
RM 2.50
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Home page 冥纸 拜神金纸 (Joss Paper) 金纸 金纸 Home Page Slide
✏️特点: 冥币, 又称阴司纸、冥钞, 是民间传统拜祭鬼神或祖先时火化的祭祀品之一, 意为供逝者在阴间使用的钱 ✏️Features: Ming coins, also known as Yin Si paper and Ming banknotes, are one of the sacrificial...
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