拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)

JOSS PAPER【168 有符/268】大百解 (贵人纸)
✏️特点: 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: In addition to praying for blessings, it also has the function of resolving evils and warding off evil spirits. Once you have walked through some unclean places with heavy yin, such as funeral...
RM 24.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 可以祈福之外, 还有化解凶灾以及辟邪驱鬼之用。曾走过一些不干净阴气较重的地方, 例如殡仪馆、坟场等, 可以用大百解抺扫全身, 以驱走邪气。抹身时, 切记由头到脚, 解灾、解难、解邪、解病、解痛、解衰运。可以化解一些灾煞和一些不顺心的事情 ✏️Features: In addition to praying for blessings, it also has the function of resolving evils...
JOSS PAPER YG-2828 1千亿纸字 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper] This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it is called Yinsi Paper. It is mostly used when worshiping ancestors, the land at the door, and the lonely...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper] This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it is...
JOSS PAPER (隆)彩色功德金 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 敬拜祖先消除世世宿業, 積福德給先人或讓自己功德无量, 风生水起, 子孙兴旺, 财运亨通✏️Features: Worship ancestors, eliminate world-class karma, accumulate merits to ancestors or make yourself immeasurable ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 清明节✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, Qingming Festival ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 36cm*24cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1包(50张) & 0.15kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 &...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 敬拜祖先消除世世宿業, 積福德給先人或讓自己功德无量, 风生水起, 子孙兴旺, 财运亨通✏️Features: Worship ancestors, eliminate world-class karma, accumulate merits to ancestors or make yourself immeasurable ✏️适用: 拜祖先, 清明节✏️Applicable:...
JOSS PAPER 财帛祖先金 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 替祖先积福积德, 消业障 ✏️Features: To accumulate blessings and virtues for ancestors, eliminate karma ✏️适用: 每逢祖先忌日, 祖先生辰日, 节目祭祖, 平时祭祖及清明上坟, 都可焚化 ✏️Applicable: Every ancestor’s death day, ancestor’s birthday, ancestor worship in programs, ancestor worship in peacetime, and tombs in Qingming, all can be...
RM 9.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 替祖先积福积德, 消业障 ✏️Features: To accumulate blessings and virtues for ancestors, eliminate karma ✏️适用: 每逢祖先忌日, 祖先生辰日, 节目祭祖, 平时祭祖及清明上坟, 都可焚化 ✏️Applicable: Every ancestor’s death...
JOSS PAPER (平)C19 中国唐装 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 衣服和褲子是一套的。代表送布疋给阴人用✏️Features: A set of clothes and pants. On behalf of sending cloth to yin people ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节✏️Applicable: Worship to ancestors, good brothers, July festival ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 29cm*37cm衣服没打开/64cm*73.5cm(衣)/40cm*68.5cm(裤) ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1套 & 0.12kg 🆘*随机发货, 如需换款式/颜色, 请私信我们或者在结单前留言哦😊(❗️存货有限❗️📦)🆘* Random...
RM 6.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 衣服和褲子是一套的。代表送布疋给阴人用✏️Features: A set of clothes and pants. On behalf of sending cloth to yin people ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 好兄弟, 七月节✏️Applicable: Worship to ancestors, good brothers,...
JOSS PAPER 花拐杖 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 易烧, 质量好, 包装漂亮✏️Features: Easy to burn, good quality, beautiful packaging ✏️适用: 各种祖先, 往生者, 清明祭✏️Applicable: Various ancestors, deceased, Qingming worship ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 46cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.03kg 🆘*随机发货, 如需换款式/颜色, 请私信我们或者在结单前留言哦😊(❗️存货有限❗️📦)🆘* Random delivery, if you need...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 易烧, 质量好, 包装漂亮✏️Features: Easy to burn, good quality, beautiful packaging ✏️适用: 各种祖先, 往生者, 清明祭✏️Applicable: Various ancestors, deceased, Qingming worship ✏️尺寸 Size:...
JOSS CLOTHES 【小/大】套装关帝衣
✏️特点: 有衣, 帽, 鞋和关刀✏️Features: Clothes, hats, shoes and knives✏️适用: 农历五月十三 & 六月廿四, 祭拜关帝✏️Applicable: May 13th & June 24th of the lunar calendar, pay homage to Emperor Guan ✏️尺寸 Size: 小 ➯ 26cm*40cm 大 ➯...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 有衣, 帽, 鞋和关刀✏️Features: Clothes, hats, shoes and knives✏️适用: 农历五月十三 & 六月廿四, 祭拜关帝✏️Applicable: May 13th & June 24th of the lunar calendar,...
JOSS PAPER 888 拜路边 (套装)
✏️特点: 小香, 蜡烛, 各类冥钱, 往生钱, 杂宝, 七色纸, 七色衣, 溪钱, 小金, 经衣【祈求】: 子孙满堂/平安/好运/财运/引贵人/正财/偏财/生意兴隆✏️Features: Small incense, candles, all kinds of money, reborn money, miscellaneous treasures, seven-color paper, seven-color clothes, brook money, small gold, warp clothes【Pray】: Children...
RM 7.00
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 小香, 蜡烛, 各类冥钱, 往生钱, 杂宝, 七色纸, 七色衣, 溪钱, 小金, 经衣【祈求】: 子孙满堂/平安/好运/财运/引贵人/正财/偏财/生意兴隆✏️Features: Small incense, candles, all kinds of money, reborn money, miscellaneous...
JOSS PAPER 本地五色小龙衣
✏️特点: 此衣一般烧给众大神亦称盘龙衣上印有四爪盘龙的图案, 附印有【帽子, 鞋子】, 亦有红, 橙, 黄, 青, 紫色五种不同颜色 ✏️Features: This clothing is generally burned to the great gods, also known as the Pan long. The clothing is printed with the pattern of the four-claw Pan long. It is also printed...
RM 8.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 此衣一般烧给众大神亦称盘龙衣上印有四爪盘龙的图案, 附印有【帽子, 鞋子】, 亦有红, 橙, 黄, 青, 紫色五种不同颜色 ✏️Features: This clothing is generally burned to the great gods, also known as the...
JOSS PAPER YG-20156 20亿纸字 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it is called Yinsi Paper. It is mostly used when worshiping ancestors, the land at the door, and the...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it...
JOSS PAPER 本地五色大龙衣
✏️特点: 此衣一般烧给众大神亦称盘龙衣上印有四爪盘龙的图案, 附印有【帽子, 鞋子】, 亦有红, 橙, 黄, 青, 紫色五种不同颜色 ✏️Features: This clothing is generally burned to the great gods, also known as the Pan long. The clothing is printed with the pattern of the four-claw Pan long. It is also...
RM 7.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 此衣一般烧给众大神亦称盘龙衣上印有四爪盘龙的图案, 附印有【帽子, 鞋子】, 亦有红, 橙, 黄, 青, 紫色五种不同颜色 ✏️Features: This clothing is generally burned to the great gods, also known as...
JOSS PAPER YG-20155 80亿纸字 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it is called Yin si Paper. It is mostly used when worshiping ancestors, the land at the door, and...
RM 2.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it...
JOSS PAPER E888168 1千万纸字 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it is called Yin si Paper. It is mostly used when worshiping ancestors, the land at the door, and...
RM 1.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 俗称【阴纸】这种银纸为地府通行的, 所以才名为阴司纸, 多是在拜祭祖先, 门口土地, 无主矛矛孤魂时才使用 ✏️Features: Commonly known as [Yin Paper]. This silver paper is used in the prefectures, so it...
JOSS PAPER 三金钱开钱 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱多为白色或米黃色, 呈长方形, 纸上有三个圆孔, 象征铜钱, 古人指一张溪钱代表三个古钱。溪钱在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣纸一起使用 ✏️Features: Easy to burn. Stream money is mostly white or beige, rectangular in shape. There are three round holes in the paper, which symbolize copper coins. The ancients said that one...
RM 2.30
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 容易燃烧, 溪钱多为白色或米黃色, 呈长方形, 纸上有三个圆孔, 象征铜钱, 古人指一张溪钱代表三个古钱。溪钱在各类纸钱中的地位较低, 有如人间所用的零钱, 在日常祭祀中, 溪钱多数会混合其他衣纸一起使用 ✏️Features: Easy to burn. Stream money is mostly white or beige, rectangular in...
JOSS PAPER 10cm 小元往生钱 (冥纸)
✏️特点: 通过焚烧往生钱, 可让往生者在黄泉路上能顺利安走, 不被鬼差刁难, 早日超生 ✏️Features: By burning the deceased money, the deceased can go on the Huang quan Road smoothly, without being troubled by ghosts, and overborn as soon as possible ✏️适用: 祭拜祖先, 路边, 好兄弟等等 ✏️Applicable: Worship ancestors, roadside, good...
RM 6.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 通过焚烧往生钱, 可让往生者在黄泉路上能顺利安走, 不被鬼差刁难, 早日超生 ✏️Features: By burning the deceased money, the deceased can go on the Huang quan Road smoothly, without...
JOSS PAPER 8288 莲花金 (金纸, 大金)
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。让地狱受苦的祖先获得温暖, 超渡法会、祖先、祭改、渡婴灵; 累世冤亲债主, 求神明慈悲作主, 帮你将莲花转自以所需的无形界, 达成妳消业障、祭改、渡赦因果、祈求前途光明。由后代子孙亲手來做, 先将九玄七祖引渡到观音彿袓旁听经闻法, 等待后世子孙有所功果, 才能不受轮回之苦✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Let the ancestors who suffer in hell gain warmth, transcend the puja, ancestors, sacrifice reforms, and pass the infant spirit; for...
RM 1.50
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 好折, 不易掉箔。让地狱受苦的祖先获得温暖, 超渡法会、祖先、祭改、渡婴灵; 累世冤亲债主, 求神明慈悲作主, 帮你将莲花转自以所需的无形界, 达成妳消业障、祭改、渡赦因果、祈求前途光明。由后代子孙亲手來做, 先将九玄七祖引渡到观音彿袓旁听经闻法, 等待后世子孙有所功果, 才能不受轮回之苦✏️Features: Easy to fold, not easy to drop the foil. Let the ancestors...
JOSS PAPER 5050 金银七彩古衣
✏️特点: 古衣纸上印有衣服, 裤子和日常所需。人们会烧古衣祭祀无主孤魂好让它们在另一个世界获得基本的吃穿用途 ✏️Features: Clothes, pants and daily necessities are printed on the ancient clothes paper. People will burn ancient clothes to worship the Lordless Lonely Souls so that they can be used for basic food and clothing in another...
RM 4.80
拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 古衣纸上印有衣服, 裤子和日常所需。人们会烧古衣祭祀无主孤魂好让它们在另一个世界获得基本的吃穿用途 ✏️Features: Clothes, pants and daily necessities are printed on the ancient clothes paper. People will burn ancient clothes to...
JOSS PAPER 金装伯爷金银山
✏️特点: 财库金银山。保佑子孙兴旺, 有靠山 ✏️Features: Treasure Gold and Silver Mountain. Bless the children and grandchildren to prosper and have support ✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷 ✏️Applicable: Worship the second uncle ✏️尺寸 Size: ➯ 50cm*27.5cm*58cm ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: ➯ 1个 & 0.51kg ⚠️注意⚠️人工测量长度 & 重量,...
RM 46.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 财库金银山。保佑子孙兴旺, 有靠山 ✏️Features: Treasure Gold and Silver Mountain. Bless the children and grandchildren to prosper and have support ✏️适用: 祭拜大二伯爷 ✏️Applicable: Worship...
JOSS PAPER 5脚精美【小/大】旺来
✏️特点: 纯手工制作, 手工精致✏️Features: Purely handmade, exquisite workmanship ✏️适用: 关帝, 伯公, 地主, 观音娘娘, 天神, 大神✏️Applicable: Emperor Guan, Bo Gong, Landlord, Goddess Guanyin, God of Heaven, Great God ✏️尺寸 Size: 小 ➯ 28cm*23.7cm//14cm(one) 大 ➯ ✏️数量 Quantity & 重量 Weight: 小 ➯ 1对...
RM 15.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
金 元宝/钱/条/碗/船
✏️特点: 纯手工制作, 手工精致✏️Features: Purely handmade, exquisite workmanship ✏️适用: 关帝, 伯公, 地主, 观音娘娘, 天神, 大神✏️Applicable: Emperor Guan, Bo Gong, Landlord, Goddess Guanyin, God...
JOSS PAPER (六宝贵人)消灾金
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps to recruit gold and noble people to support, business is booming, everything goes smoothly ✏️适用: 祭祀所有神明与菩萨, 祈福 ✏️Applicable:...
RM 3.80
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拜神金纸 (Joss Paper)
✏️特点: 贵人符代表有力人, 有好人帮助。有助招揽貴人扶持/生意兴隆/事事順利, 百事化解 ✏️Features: The noble symbol represents a powerful person, and there is a good person to help. It helps...